Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, November 22, 2005Agenda Item - 9 |
At the October 18, 2005, City Council meeting, Mayor Vander Borght requested that staff bring back a discussion of the potential of developing a gateway public art installation at the intersection of Burbank and Victory Boulevards and Victory Place, formerly known as �Five Points�. Prior to extending significant staff effort, this item has been placed on the agenda as the first step, in what is referred to as the �one-step, two-step process�, for additional Council discussion and consideration.
The City has developed numerous public art installations in conjunction with new capital projects. These would include, but are not limited to, the Police/Fire Headquarters Facility, the Stough Canyon Nature Center, the Buena Vista Library/Lincoln Park, and the McCambridge Park renovation.
The Art in Public Places Ordinance requires that a development project with a construction budget over $500,000 to contribute 1% of the total project costs towards an art installation. �Development Project� means any development which requires a building permit. Private developers who do not desire to install on-site art must contribute their 1% obligation to the Public Art fund. Currently, there is approximately $540,000 in the fund.
Funding this project can be secured by appropriating a specific amount from either the General Fund or the Public Art Fund. Public Art Fund policies govern the manner in which projects are brought forward and approved.
The following are two (2) options available if City Council desires to utilize the Public Art Fund:
Option #1: City Council could appoint a Site Specific Art Committee which would select an art consultant to initiate an artist search, or City Council could direct staff to initiate an artist search without the services of an art consultant. Once selected, the artist would develop a proposal and, if recommended, it would be brought to the Art in Public Places Committee. If the project is found to be in compliance with the Art in Public Places Ordinance, it is forwarded to City Council for their approval and funding.
Option #2 City Council could direct staff to contact a specific artist or artist�s representative concerning a potential art installation, which would be brought back to the Art in Public Places Committee and City Council for final approval and funding.
In addition, City Council could direct staff to negotiate a price for a specific art work. Once the price is secured, the proposed installation will be brought back for their approval and funding.
As the first step in a two step process, this item is being presented for discussion and additional direction only.
Staff recommends that City Council initiate discussion on the possibility of directing staff to initiate the process of developing an art installation for �Five Points.� Should Council decide to move forward with a public art installation, it is also recommended that a budget be established.