Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Agenda Item - 2


                                        Burbank Water and Power



DATE: November 22, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Ronald E. Davis, General Manager-BWP




To conduct a public hearing on the 2005 update of the Urban Water Management Plan, and to formally adopt the Plan as required by State law.




The California Urban Water Management Planning Act (Assembly Bill No. 797), enacted in 1983, requires that all California urban water suppliers supplying more than 3,000 acre-feet per year (AFY) or providing water to more than 3,000 customers develop an Urban Water Management Plan.  This law required that the original plan be prepared by December 31, 1985, and filed with the State of California Department of Water Resources.  The Act, as revised over the years, requires that plans be reviewed and updated at least once every five years, in years ending in five and zero.


The City of Burbank has over 26,000 water services and supplies more than 20,000 acre-feet (AF) annually.  The City's Urban Water Management Plan for 2005 must therefore be adopted by December 31, 2005, and filed with the Department of Water Resources within 30 days of adoption.


BWP Water Engineering/ Planning staff has prepared a revised and updated Urban Water Management Plan.  Notices have been published for a public hearing, and the plan has been made available for review by the public and the Council. 




The plan includes evaluations of historical and future water supplies and demands and of the reliability of the supplies.  It also includes descriptions of water conservation and water management activities, including water recycling and preparation for water shortages.

As part of the Bay-Delta negotiations to allow more water to be imported to the south, the California Urban Water Conservation Council pushed for adoption of the "Best Management


Practices" regarding water conservation. These have been incorporated into the Memorandum of Understanding signed by most large water purveyors in the state.  Burbank signed the Memorandum of Understanding on July 21, 1992.  The latest report is included in the attached Plan as Appendix H.


The State also required adoption of an Urban Water Shortage Contingency Plan in 1992.  This became part of the requirements for future Urban Water Management Plans.  See Chapter VII and Appendix I in the attached Plan.


Demand is derived by the Metropolitan Water District (MWD,) using their econometric model.  Some adjustments were made based on Burbank�s latest estimates of population growth projections and development of local supplies.  Demand is expected to increase about 0.7% per year for the next 25 years.  See Chapter III and Appendix D.


Future supplies will include Reclaimed (5%, {10% if the Power Plant cooling is included}), EPA/Lockheed BOU (40 to 47%), and MWD imported water (48 to 55%).  Our present annual pumping entitlement is 20% of imported water, or about 4,600 AFY.  According to our Groundwater Pumping and Spreading Plan, we have drawn down our "bank" of groundwater credits to a current balance of 22,000 AF and will maintain a balance of 10,000 AF for drought reserve by around 2008.  Replenishment by spreading untreated, imported water will be increased in coming years as projected in the rate ramp presented to the City Council. 


The City can also rely on our five MWD connections for our supply.  Our combination of local and imported supplies enhances supply reliability, but MWD also strives to maintain a reliable supply.  MWD�s Draft Regional Urban Water Management Plan states that MWD can meet 100% of full-service demands through 2030.




No impact for adoption of this Plan.




The Board endorsed the Plan at their November 17, 2005 meeting.




It is requested that, after the public hearing, the City Council adopt the 2005 Update of the Urban Water Management Plan, and authorize the General Manager of Burbank Water and Power to transmit a final version to the California Department of Water Resources.





City of Burbank 2000 Urban Water Management Plan





M:\Clerical\advisory board\staff reports\Council Staff Report for 2005 Water Plan 11-9-05.doc


c:             B. Mace

                B. Doxsee

                Chron File



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