Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, November 22, 2005Agenda Item - 13 |
At the November 8th, 2005 City Council meeting, Council Member Dave Golonski requested an update on local assistance efforts to aid the victims of Hurricanes in the Gulf states region. Prior to taking any formal action, this item has been placed on the agenda as the first step in a two step process, for additional Council discussion and consideration.
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita wreaked havoc in the early Fall of 2005. The human, infrastructure, and economic impacts have been huge and recovery efforts will continue for years to come. The immediate and long term costs associated with recovery are staggering and will run into billions of dollars. As with most disasters, the federal government will shoulder much of the cost through the Federal Emergency Management Agency�s (FEMA) public and individual assistance programs
Council Member Golonski indicated in a September 13th, 2005 request that he would like to assess the possibility of the City assisting with some type of relief effort that would be directed towards the victims of Hurricane Katrina. This report is an update of City, labor, and community efforts since the initial staff report to the City Council was presented on September 27th, 2005.
Staff initially surveyed the cites of Glendale, Pasadena, Torrance, Inglewood, and Santa Monica to see what, if anything, those municipalities were doing to support Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. The result of that survey were included in the September 27th, staff report. Staff has not resurveyed those cities for this update. A current summary of Burbank�s efforts are listed below.
City of Burbank
Almost immediately following the realization of Katrina�s devastating impacts, various City departments, labor groups, and community partners began efforts to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The following list provides a synopsis of known efforts to date as well as actions that are planned in the future.
As the first step in the two-step agenda process, this item is being presented for discussion and additional Council direction only. There is no fiscal impact as a result of this agenda item. The decision made by Council as a result of this report will determine future fiscal impacts and potential costs.
Staff recommends that the Council initiate discussion on the possibility of providing relief assistance to the victims of Hurricane Katrina and provide direction for future action.