Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, November 22, 2005Agenda Item - 11 |
In response to Vice Mayor Todd Campbell�s request to discuss the possibility of creating a �Clean Construction Equipment� ordinance, this report is being presented as the first step in the �one-step, two-step� agenda process.
In an effort to further reduce air pollution, Vice Mayor Todd Campbell provided staff with a sample ordinance that would require all diesel fueled construction equipment over 50 horsepower owned and used by the City and/or contractors working for the City on City projects to meet more stringent emissions standards than are currently enforced by various air quality control agencies.
If Council desires, staff will assess the feasibility of the implementation of such an ordinance and will present its costs and effects on the City�s various operations.
Staff recommends that the Council discuss the possible study and implementation of a �Clean Construction Equipment� ordinance and direct staff as necessary.