Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Agenda Item - 5


City of Burbank








Management Services Department



DATE: October 25, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director




The purpose of this report is to request City Council adoption of the resolution establishing the specification for the classification of Transportation Services Manager (CTC No. 0960), as shown in the attachment.




The Burbank Transportation Service, operated by the Park, Recreation, and Community Services Department, has expanded its services in recent years.  Initially, its purpose was to provide local transportation to Burbank�s senior and disabled residents.  Currently this service provides 89,000 rides annually. The success of this service resulted in the department assuming the administrative responsibilities of the Burbank Local Transit Program (Burbank Bus), a commuter service provided by four different contractors, which logs in 210,000 rides annually.  In 1999 the department added another local service called Got Wheels that provides 40,000 rides annually to the community�s youth ages 10�18.


The Department�s transportation services are currently managed by the Social Services Program Supervisor�Transportation.  The Transportation Task Force, appointed by the City Council, has recommended that the incumbent supervisor in this area assume additional duties including researching, evaluating, and planning new transportation systems, as well as enhancing current and on-going systems. 




The establishment of this new title and specification will reflect the actual duties and requirements of the position as it has recently developed.  It will address the needs of the Park, Recreation, and Community Services Department and it will strengthen the Transportation section by having a manager when previously they only had a supervisor.  This establishment will assist the department as it needs to recruit for this highly specialized field.


This classification will be a Civil Service position, exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and will be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.  The Burbank Management Association (BMA) will represent this classification and the BMA has been advised of this establishment.  The Civil Service Board approved this establishment at their regular meeting on October 5, 2005.




The salary range for the Transportation Services Manager will be set at $5,280 - $6,415.  Due to the fact that this position is somewhat unique in that there are no comparable positions in our survey cities, this salary range has been established through a combination of reviewing similar positions in El Monte and Sacramento and ascertaining the appropriate level in the departmental organization with respect to subordinate and reporting relationships. This position will be funded through the Community Development Department�s Proposition A and Proposition C allocation that they receive each year from Los Angeles County taxes.




Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution establishing the specification for the classification of Transportation Services Manager (CTC No. 0960), as shown in the attachment.



Respectfully submitted,

Judie Sarquiz

Management Services Director