Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, October 18, 2005Agenda Item - 4 |
To request City Council acceptance of monies donated to the Burbank Police Department and to appropriate the monies accordingly.
On September 30, 2005, the Burbank Animal Shelter received a generous donation of $19,310 in cash and artwork from the Virgil and Frances Ross Trust. Virgil Ross was a long time cartoon animator with Warner Bros. from 1932 until 1964, and continued to draw until his death at the age of 88. Frances Ross worked for a time as an inker and painter of Warner Bros. cartoons, but then became a full time homemaker after her marriage to Virgil.
Their pets were like their children to them and they cared deeply about animals, especially those in need of a good home. The Ross Trust designated that a portion of the estate be distributed to various animal causes to be selected by the Trustee, Ms. Roxana Ross. The Burbank Animal Shelter was among those chosen.
Staff is requesting the funds be utilized to support the ongoing kitten fostering program; public education efforts on West Nile Virus, rabies control, and animal abuse; the replacement of critical field equipment; and staff training.
To utilize monies generated by this donation, the Police Department is requesting that the budget be amended to appropriate $19,310, as well as funds generated by the sale of the animation artwork, from account 001.ND000.45000.1019 to account 001-PD03A-70011.0000.15247.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution accepting and amending the fiscal year 2005-2006 budget by appropriating the above donation in the amount of $19,310.
THOMAS HOEFEL Chief of Police