Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, October 11, 2005Agenda Item - 7 |
The purpose of this report is to provide information to the City Council to consider the adoption of a resolution approving the purchase price for the acquisition by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District of tax defaulted property located in the City of Burbank.
The Los Angeles County Flood Control District is requesting concurrence of the purchase price of $1,974.00 by the City of Burbank in acquiring tax-defaulted property located at 3359 Lamer Street and identified as Lot 116 (Exhibit A) within the City of Burbank for flood control purposes for the Burbank Western System-Bracemar Debris Basin. The debris basin improvements were constructed by the developer, SOCALAND Corporation, as a condition to the development of this tract, said improvements and easements were conveyed to the City which subsequently conveyed said improvements to Los Angeles County Flood Control District. This property is presently being utilized by the Los Angeles County Flood District as a flood control debris basin, however, the owner of the land remains SOCALAND Corporation.
Pursuant to provision of Section 3775 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, which states that whenever the County or the State is the purchaser of tax-defaulted property, the price shall be agreed upon among the County Board of Supervisors, the State Controller and the governing body of any city in which such property is located and such price shall be paid to the County Tax Collector for distribution. The purchase price represents the delinquent property tax owed on the property.
The approval of the acquisition price will have no fiscal impact on the City.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution to approve the purchase price for the Los Angeles County Flood Control District to acquire this parcel.
Exhibit A Map and Picture Exhibit B Agreement to Purchase Los Angeles County Tax-Defaulted Property