Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, October 11, 2005Agenda Item - 6 |
The purpose of this report is to request City Council approval of two proposed resolutions that would authorize the City Manager to accept a total of $58,100 in two grants ($45,000 National Emergency Grant and $13,100 Workforce Investment Act Grant) awarded by the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB) to the City of Burbank Management Services Department and amend the Fiscal Year (FY) 2005-2006 budget by appropriating these grant funds.
The Cities of Burbank, Glendale, and La Canada Flintridge formed the Verdugo Consortium by a joint powers agreement signed December 14, 1999. This agreement retains Glendale�s Workforce Development Administration (WDA) as the administrator of federal workforce development, employment, and training funds on behalf of the Consortium. The Verdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB) is the governing body for the WDA and approves budgetary/grant issues. The Department of Labor through the State�s Employment Development Department awarded VWIB a $1,197,519 National Emergency Grant (NEG), as well as additional funding for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) In-School and Out-of-School Youth programs.
The purpose of the NEG is to temporarily employee workers to clean up, repair, and restore public lands and structures in Glendale, Burbank, and La Canada Flintridge that were damaged in the storms this past winter. On July 27, 2005, WDA notified staff that NEG funding was available to the City of Burbank. Staff submitted an application on August 8, 2005. Verdugo Workforce Investment Board (VWIB) awarded the City of Burbank this grant ($404,550) as an amendment to Burbank�s Workforce Connection contract. Although the NEG temporary employees will be working for Burbank, all wages/ benefits and Worker�s Compensation coverage ($359,550) will be paid by the City of Glendale. As such, the City of Burbank will receive $45,000 in grant monies to fund program coordination, safety equipment, and supplies.
The purpose of the WIA In-School and Out-of-School Youth programs is to provide gainful employment and training to at-risk youth. VWIB issued a request for proposal to utilize the WIA funding to serve Burbank, Glendale, and La Canada residents. Staff applied for the Burbank portion ($26,970) of this grant on August 26, 2005. On September 15, 2005, WDA notified staff that WIA funding for the In-School and Out-of-School Youth programs was awarded to the City of Burbank. This provides funding for the Fall 2005 youth programs in the amount of $15,411 for In-School and $11,559 for Out-of-School youth. Although the youth participants will be working for Burbank, Glendale will administer the payroll and Worker�s Compensation coverage for the youth workers ($13,870). As such, Burbank will receive $13,100 in grant monies to fund program coordination and supplies.
The National Emergency Grant (NEG) will fund approximately 30 temporary employees. Twenty eight workers will repair damage caused by the 2005 winter storms and two part-time workers will coordinate the program and complete the necessary grant paperwork. The recruitment for these employees will be coordinated by the City of Glendale through the Verdugo Jobs Center and the City of Burbank�s Workforce Connection. Enrollment will be completed by Glendale in October 2005. Workers may be retained by Burbank until May 31, 2006. During this time, the workers cannot earn more than $12,000 in wages or work more than 1,000 hours.
The Management Services Department will utilize a temporary part-time Clerical Worker and Work Trainee to coordinate the program ($27,350 salaries) and complete grant paperwork ($7,650 supplies). The Public Works Department will utilize a total of thirteen temporary workers � two supervisors to oversee the cleanup/repair; six laborers to clear brush and debris; three laborers to help repair broken concrete; and two laborers to clear debris from drains at the landfill. In addition, $5,000 of the grant funds will be utilized by Public Works for safety equipment and supplies. The City�s Park, Recreation, and Community Services (PRCS) Department will utilize a total of fifteen temporary workers � three supervisors to oversee repairs and twelve laborers to repair public parks and open space areas damaged by erosion and excess growth and vegetation. In addition, $5,000 of the grant funds will be utilized by PRCS to reimburse the salaries of existing staff for program coordination.
The WIA Grant will fund six In-School and three Out-of-School Youth during program year 2005-2006. These programs provide at-risk Burbank youth between the ages of 14 � 21 with employment and job training skills. Over the past six years, the City has successfully provided work experience, as well as paid training in life and job skills, to over 300 at-risk youth. As such, the Management Services Department will utilize existing staff, resources and expertise to operate the program. The WIA In-School program was successfully operated in 2001 and the CalWORKs Youth Jobs Program operated during the summers of 2004 and 2005 had excellent results. Based on the City�s past success in operating youth programs and funds available for our region, there is a chance that additional funds will be available in the future. Therefore, staff is seeking City Manager authorization to negotiate and execute future agreements to receive reimbursement for the WIA programs.
The VWIB has awarded the City of Burbank Management Services Department $431,520 in grant funds, with $373,420 being disbursed directly to the City of Glendale for salaries/benefits and Worker�s Compensation coverage for grant participants, and the remaining $58,100 going to the City of Burbank for administrative and operating costs.
Accepting the National Emergency Grant will have no fiscal impact on the City of Burbank. There is no match or recurring costs associated with the National Emergency Grant. The grant provides for one-time funding for coordination of temporary employees designated to repair damage caused by the 2005 winter storms.
Accepting the National Emergency Grant funds amends the City�s budget by increasing the general fund revenue estimate by $45,000 to Fund 001.MS000.48010.1089 (National Emergency Fed VWIB). In addition, it appropriates $27,350 of the grant funding to Fund 001.MS02C.60001.0000.16261 (Salaries and Wages), $7,650 to Fund 001.MS02A.62300.0000.16261 (Special Departmental Supplies), $5,000 to Fund 001.PR23A.60001.0000.16261 (Salaries and Wages), and $5,000 to Fund 001.PW32A.62300.0000.16261 (Special Departmental Supplies).
Accepting the WIA In-School and Out-of-School Youth Grant will have no fiscal impact on the City of Burbank. There are no matching or recurring funds associated with this grant. Although the City of Burbank will provide administrative and operating costs up front, these costs will be reimbursed at the conclusion of the Program by the City of Glendale. The funds received, along with leveraging existing resources, will be adequate to complete the program without incurring any additional costs to Burbank.
Accepting the Workforce Investment Act In-School and Out-of-School Youth grant funds amends the City�s budget by increasing the General fund Revenue estimate by $13,100 to Fund 001.MS000.48010.1065 (Intergovernmental Revenue). In addition, it appropriates $13,050 of the grant funding to Fund 001.MS02C.60001 (Salaries and Wages) and $50 to Fund 001.MS02A.62300 (Special Departmental Supplies).
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed resolutions and that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate the final terms of the contracts.
Respectfully submitted, Judie Sarquiz Management Services Director