Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Agenda Item - 3


                             CITY OF BURBANK



DATE: October 11, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bonnie Teaford, Interim Public Works Director

via: Kenneth Johnson, Assistant Public Works Director - Traffic Engineer

by: Rabie Rahmani, Principal Traffic Engineer





To request Council approval of a resolution authorizing the installation of a three-way stop at the intersection of Paseo Redondo and Sherlock Drive.




Staff received a request from several residents on Sherlock Drive to investigate traffic speeds and traffic safety on this street in both Burbank and Glendale.  On September 1, 2005 staff from both communities met with three homeowners in the area to discuss traffic conditions and resident concerns about traffic issues on Sherlock Drive.  Based on this discussion, staff developed a list of potential improvements which were evaluated and further discussed with the residents.


After an analysis of the conditions on Sherlock Drive, staff of Burbank and Glendale agreed to recommend the following items to the Burbank Traffic and Transportation Committee:


  1. Installation of a Multi-way stop at and Paseo Redondo and Sherlock Drive � Paseo Redondo dead ends into Sherlock Drive about 400 feet west of the Burbank boundary with Glendale.  The intersection is located on the inside of a very curving section of Sherlock Drive which severely limits driver vision of oncoming traffic.  Sight distance restrictions are caused by a block wall on the corner of this intersection that blocks the visibility of vehicles on Sherlock Drive from drivers exiting Paseo Redondo.  The new Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) allows the installation of a multi-way stop at locations where driver sight distance restrictions are not correctable by other intersection modifications.  This location conforms to the MUTCD requirements for a multi-way stop, and these devices would improve safety at the intersection.


  1. Installation of a double yellow centerline on Sherlock Drive � Sherlock Drive begins immediately east of Mountain Street in the City of Glendale and continues through a curving alignment into the City of Burbank.  The installation of a double yellow centerline from Mountain Street to 100 feet north of Paseo Redondo would provide increased guidance for drivers around the sharp curves.  Staff received approval from the City of Glendale to implement this striping in their jurisdiction, and staff will install the striping soon.


  1. Advance Curve Warning Signs - Staff verified the need for advisory speed signs on Sherlock Drive between Mountain Drive and Paseo Redondo. Our studies showed that this curve should be posted with a curve warning sign and advisory speed sign of 15 MPH because of the tight curve.  Staff will coordinate with City of Glendale to install signs for the curve.


Two other resident suggestions were evaluated but existing conditions do not support the modifications.  The suggestions were:


  1. Additional selective enforcement in the area � The speed limit on this residential street is 25 MPH.  The 85th percentile speed (the speed at which the speed limit is legally established) on the Sherlock Drive is 24 MPH.  The conditions do not support additional selective enforcement in the area.


  1. Installation of Speed Humps - The Burbank speed hump installation criteria only allows speed humps on streets with a horizontal curve radius of more than 300 feet.  The horizontal alignment along this street is 125 feet; therefore, staff does not recommend speed humps on Sherlock Drive.


The Sherlock Drive traffic issues were discussed at the September 8, 2005 Traffic and Transportation Committee meeting, which was attended by two residents of the street. Staff presented the above recommendations to the Committee, and the Committee endorsed the three recommended modifications.




For the purpose of the discussion, it is assumed that Sherlock Drive runs in a north-south direction, with Paseo Redondo intersecting on the east side, creating a tee intersection.  Paseo Redondo currently has a stop sign approaching Sherlock Drive.  The recent speed and traffic counts indicated the following:


Direction                                24 Hour Count                      85th Percentile Speed

Paseo Redondo (W/B)                     242

Sherlock Drive (N/B)             423                                         24MPH

Sherlock Drive (S/B)             204                                         24MPH


The records revealed a total of four accidents at this intersection from 1999 to present. Only one of these accidents involved vehicles approaching the intersection.   This type of accident is susceptible to correction by a multi-way stop.  There is a block wall on the southeast corner on private property which obstructs the visibility for those vehicles approaching the intersection.


Based on the existing sight visibility at the intersection, staff recommends that Council approve the installation of the three-way stop at the intersection of Paseo Redondo and Sherlock Drive.  The stop signs will be installed within 30 days of Council approval.




The installation and maintenance costs of the signs are budgeted in the Signs and Markings Section of the Traffic Engineering Division.  The estimated installation cost is $150 for materials and staff time, and maintenance costs are negligible.




Staff recommends that Council adopt a resolution approving the installation of a three-way stop at the intersection of Paseo Redondo and Sherlock Drive.




Attachment:    Traffic and Transportation Committee Report, September 8, 2005


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