Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, October 4, 2005Agenda Item - 9 |
To request Council approval of a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Burbank and State Consulting & Inspection Services for the Robert R. Ovrom Park Project, Phase I. BACKGROUND
The Robert R. Ovrom Park Project is a joint-use redevelopment project that includes a neighborhood recreation center, community day school, and one-acre public park. Earlier this year, the Development Oversight Committee (DOC) directed staff to secure Department of State Architect (DSA) certified inspection services to enable the Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) future eligibility for California State Proposition 47 and/or Proposition 55 funds. These funds were specifically established to partially reimburse school districts for new school construction projects. The original project budget contemplated using deputy inspection services and materials testing on an as-needed basis, which is considerably more cost effective than full-time DSA-certified inspection. Based on staff�s independent investigation, BUSD may be entitled to a maximum of $1.20M dollars from the State based on school size, student population, and special needs students.[1] ANALYSIS
Staff issued a Request for Proposal to eight (8) inspection service providers on June 9, 2005 and received five (5) qualified submittals on June 27, 2005. Selection was based on using DSA-certified inspectors only and the hourly rate for each inspector level. DSA Class 1 inspectors will be utilized on a full-time, 40-hour per week basis for the project�s duration. Because of their multi-certified inspection capabilities, DSA-certified inspection will supplant the need to provide deputy inspectors. Deputy inspectors will only be used to augment DSA inspection in the few cases where the inspection and materials sampling work load may exceed the capabilities of one full-time inspector. Hourly rates for DSA-certified inspectors ranged from a low of $75.00/hour to a high of $125.00 per hour.
All respondents were considered qualified since all proposals identified only DSA-certified inspectors and had comparable field experience. The DSA will subsequently review and approve the selection made by the City and BUSD. Since State Consultant & Inspection Services (SCIS) provided the most cost effective hourly rate, the firm is being recommended by staff. Professional Services Agreement - Attachment A represents SCIS� PSA for $172,500 that was determined by multiplying the estimated 2,300 inspection hours by $75.00/hour. The 2,300 hours were estimated using 2,080 hours/year and an approximate 10% contingency to account for unforeseen conditions and/or overtime. The inspector�s hours will be managed and approved by the City�s Project Representative on a weekly basis.
There is no change to the Project�s overall construction period of approximately twelve (12) months as a result of these inspection services. Inspection services are an inherent part of the construction process and are generally intended to facilitate the construction effort in tandem with maintaining project quality and adherence to specification requirements.
Based on DOC�s earlier direction, the Project will front the $172,500 cost for SCIS� services and seek full reimbursement from BUSD when it is reimbursed by the Office of Public School Construction. Sufficient funding is available during this interim period in Project Account 13504. The ultimate funding source is expected to be Proposition 47 or 55 funds from the State of California�s Office of School Construction.
Staff will appear before Council in mid-October 2005 to seek approval of the 100% completed Construction Documents, the commensurate Guaranteed Maximum Price and construction schedule, approval of a construction contract with Turner Construction, and authorization to commence construction. Potential supplemental funding sources beyond currently appropriated project funds will be identified at that time to address any anticipated shortfall beyond the previously accepted $9.2M Project Budget. RECOMMENDATION
Staff recommends that the Council approve the Professional Services Agreement with State Consulting & Inspection Services and the proposed resolution.