Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, October 4, 2005Agenda Item - 12 |
This report requests Council approval to enter into agreements with CompuDyne (formerly Tiburon) for the upgrade/implementation, licensing, and maintenance of a Public Safety Suite (PSS) to replace the existing Police Department Public Safety Computer System. Included with the upgrade are Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Records Management (RMS), and Mobile Data Computer (MDC) systems which will replace the aging and outdated Public Safety System.
At the March 15, 2005 City Council meeting, staff requested and received approval to negotiate an agreement with CompuDyne for the replacement of our 20 year old Public Safety System, Tiburon Phoenix. The current system is running on antiquated technology that is no longer supported and cannot be used with the new applications that have been added over the years such as the Automatic Vehicle Locator, Mobile Data Computers, and PC technology. The proposed upgrade will provide the Burbank PD with a CAD module which supports dispatching and incident control for law enforcement, and RMS, a management module for the capture, control, dissemination and retrieval of incident and person records.
With the assistance of Thayer Consulting, staff has successfully negotiated agreements with CompuDyne. These include: Software Upgrade Implementation Agreement (SUIA) including a detailed Statement of Work; Software License Agreement (SLA); and Maintenance Support Agreement (MSA). With your approval, the project would tentatively begin in October 2005 with an anticipated completion date of April 2007.
The total project cost for Fiscal Years 2005-06 through 2011-12 has been calculated at $2,703,251. At the February 15, 2005 Council meeting, $1.5 million was identified for this project and appropriated into a holding account in Fund 537. These funds, along with the specified Police System upgrade accumulations to Funds 533 and 537 during the identified fiscal years will cover the entire cost of the project. The attached cost plan outlines the project.
Staff requests that the City council adopt a resolution authorizing the Burbank Police Department to enter into agreements with CompuDyne for the Public Safety Suite System upgrade and implementation, software licensing, and system maintenance in an amount not to exceed $2,703,251.00.
Thomas Hoefel Chief of Police
Jennifer Wyatt Information Technology Director