Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Agenda Item - 13







DATE: September 27, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Tracy Pansini, Fire Chief

By: Rich Baenen, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator






At the September 13th, 2005 City Council meeting, Council Member Dave Golonski requested that staff report on current local assistance efforts to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf State region. Prior taking any formal action, this item has been placed on the agenda as the first step in a two step process, for additional Council discussion and consideration.   




Hurricane Katrina made landfall in the Gulf region the last week of August, 2005. The human, infrastructure, and economic impacts have been huge and recovery efforts will continue for years to come. The immediate and long term costs associated with recovery are staggering and will run into billions of dollars. As with most disasters, the federal government will shoulder much of the cost through the Federal Emergency Management Agency�s (FEMA) public and individual assistance programs


Council Member Golonski indicated in his request that he would like to assess the possibility of the City assisting with some type of relief effort that would be directed towards the victims of Hurricane Katrina. 


Staff has surveyed the cites of Glendale, Pasadena, Torrance, Inglewood, and Santa Monica to see what, if anything, those municipalities are doing to support Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. The survey results are included below:


City of Glendale

  • The Glendale City Employee Human Relations Committee hosted a two day bake sale that was held in the Civic Center Quad area. City employees and local restaurants provided baked goods and food for the sale. Proceeds will go to the American Red Cross and Glendale employee�s families in the affected areas. 

  • A fundraising concert titled Beyond the Flood will be held at Glendale High School on Saturday, October 1st.  Sponsors of this event are the Rotary Club, Kiwanis, and Salvation Army. The City of Glendale is providing police for traffic support; shuttle busses for transportation; and bottled water for the event. 

  • The Glendale Fireman�s Association sponsored a one day �Fill the Boot� drive which raised $30,000 for the American Red Cross.

City of Pasadena

  • The City of Pasadena�s Health Department provided health screenings for 20 evacuees.

  • The city supported American Red Cross� fundraising efforts at a special Rose Bowl event by waiving parks and event fees. The City Manager authorized city staff time off to work the event.

  • The City Manager authorized the staff to coordinate a City employee contribution drive which raised $3,000 which was donated to the American Red Cross.

  • The Pasadena City Council appropriated a $100,000 donation to the San Gabriel Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross for local use.

City of Inglewood

  • The city has not provided any out-of-pocket support.

  • The city has functioned as an informational clearinghouse by posting local fundraising information on their website.

  • The city allowed employees to conduct a fundraiser/drive to collect food and equipment during city time. 

  • There is no official city policy regarding disaster deployment outside of the city, but the issue has now arisen due to Hurricane Katrina.

  • City employees with family members in the affected area took personal vacation time to go and help.

City of Santa Monica

  • The city�s primary response has been to actively support the Santa Monica Chapter of the American Red Cross with their efforts and to function as a clearinghouse of information. (The city has 120 displaced persons who have registered with the local ARC). 

  • The city and the Red Cross formed a working group which involves 40 different community social organizations (seniors groups, mental health, et al).

  • The city has donated 50 cases of water to the Red Cross and supplied them with tables and chairs to support their increased demands locally.

  • Santa Monica PD is providing security for Red Cross fundraising efforts.

  • Santa Monica is waiving parking restrictions at the Red Cross center to support their increased traffic.

  • The city put a Katrina Information Page on their website and have greatly enhanced their public information outreach efforts.

  • The city responded to county requests for city employees who can be deployed and they will support that if these folks are actually requested.

City of Torrance

  • The City of Torrance is allowing staff to take up to two weeks of paid leave to volunteer with Red Cross relief efforts.

  • City facilities are being used as collection points for donated goods and money from the community.

  • Torrance Fire Department deployed two personnel to the affected area in response to a FEMA request immediately following Katrina�s landfall

  • The City has waived city facility use fees in support of a Firefighter�s Association a fundraising pancake breakfast

City of Burbank


Almost immediately following the realization of Katrina�s devastating impacts, various City departments, labor groups, and community partners began efforts to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The following list provides a synopsis of known efforts to date as well as actions that are planned in the future.

  • The Community Development Department is making contingency plans for the potential housing of evacuees that might relocate to Burbank.

  • The Burbank Firefighters Local 778will be making a $10,000 donation and conducting another three day �fill the boot� event. Proceeds will go to the Bush/Clinton relief efforts as well as the International Association of Fire Fighters to assist more than 2000 displaced firefighters who were victims of the hurricane.

  • The Burbank Police Department has �adopted� the Waveland, MS Police Department and is supplying them with surplus law enforcement equipment and clothing. The Burbank Police Officers Association funded the $1,500 shipping costs associated with this effort. $800 was collected from Police Department staff.

  • The Burbank Police and Fire Departments supported NBC and the Red Cross in holding two �fill the boot� fundraising drives the first week of September. The drives were held in the AMC Plaza and a total of $124,000 was raised. The Burbank Management Association assisted in helping to raise the awareness level of these events.

  • The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers collected over $3,000 at a Labor Day rally and the Burbank City Employees Association contributed $3,100 and new clothing towards helping the victims.

  • To the extent possible, the City continues to work with and support local citizens and businesses, including 11 year old resident Matt Smith, in their own fundraising activities.



As the first step in the two-step agenda process, this item is being presented for discussion and additional Council direction only.  There is no fiscal impact as a result of this agenda item.  The decision made by Council as a result of this report will determine future fiscal impacts and potential costs.




Staff recommends that the Council initiate discussion on the possibility of providing relief assistance to the victims of Hurricane Katrina and provide direction for future action.




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