Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, September 27, 2005Agenda Item - 12 |
The purpose of this report is to review the proposed landscape plans for the Burbank Medical Plaza project which is located on the northwest corner of Alameda Avenue and Buena Vista Street.
On February 8, 2005, the City Council approved Planned Development (PD) 2003-3, a request to construct two (2) medical office buildings totaling 155,000 square feet in addition to the existing 72,000 square foot medical office building on the site. The proposed project involves the construction of a 55,000 square foot cancer center, a 100,000 square foot medical office building, and associated parking garages. (Exhibit A) As part of its approval, the City Council established Condition of Approval No. 26 which reads as follows:
The applicant has prepared final landscape design plans for review by the City Council. The submitted plans include a landscape planting plan for the entire site as well as elevation and perspective drawings focusing on the treatment of the Buena Vista Street frontage.
Subsequent to the Council�s approval of the project, the architecture of the Cancer Center and parking structure have been further defined. The project landscape architect, Troller Mayer Associates, has revised the planting plan that was presented to City Council in February to accommodate these changes in the architecture of the buildings. However, the landscaping continues to utilize the same plant palette and design approach, consistent with the plans presented in February, as well as a unified design scheme for the site.
The Council expressed particular interest regarding the landscaping treatment along Buena Vista Street. The intent of the design is to 'green' the parking structure on Buena Vista with vines and further soften the frontage with Evergreen Canary Island Pines and deciduous Liquidambars, which are both suitable for the planting beds between the buildings and sidewalk along Buena Vista. The Liquidambars will give fall color and, in combination with the Pines and existing street trees (Camphors, Magnolias and Pistache), offer an interesting variety of color and texture. It is the landscape architect�s belief that the combination of these new trees and the existing street trees will provide a good screen between the buildings and the adjacent community.
The landscape plans were reviewed by the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department. Based upon this review, it was determined that the proposed sizes and types of trees were adequate to provide buffering for the adjacent residential properties along Buena Vista Street. Additionally, Parks and Recreation staff felt that the elevations and rendering provided were accurate depictions of the landscaping after five (5) years of growth.
Staff is supportive of the landscape plans that have been submitted for the project. The proposed plans, in concert with the existing mature street trees, will provide a substantial landscape buffer of the project as viewed from Buena Vista Street while maintaining the architectural integrity of the Cancer Center. The proposed screening of the parking structure, in particular, is much denser than originally proposed and will provide substantial screening of the building.
Staff recommends that the City Council review the landscape plans and offer recommendations as necessary.
Exhibit A Ordinance #3665 dated February 8, 2005 with conditions of approval Exhibit B Landscape plan and renderings