Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Agenda Item - 5




DATE: September 13, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

Ruth Davidson-Guerra, Assistant Community Development Director

 for Housing and Redevelopment

By:  Bill Emmett, Redevelopment Project Analyst






The purpose of this report is to provide information to the City Council to consider the adoption of a resolution to summarily vacate a pole line easement located on the parcel at 455 N. Varney Street.




The applicant, Darin Kerby, is requesting to vacate the subject easement area for the purpose of enlarging his garage.  The proposed Resolution will consider the vacation of the 5-foot wide easement which extends across the rear of the subject property (Exhibit A).




Public service easements (including pole line easements) are use restrictions that are acquired for public entities by dedication, prescription or otherwise for street, utility or highway purposes affecting public or private property.  The vacation process removes the public�s right to use a street, highway or public service easement for public purposes when the need for such easement right no longer exists.


This is separate from encroachment permit or agreement requests which are used for any structure or object, temporary or permanent in nature, which extends on, in, over or under any City owned property including streets, alleys, easements, sidewalks, and public rights of way.  A daily fee is calculated for encroachment permits as per the Fee Resolution, while encroachment agreements can be approved by City Council action with or without monetary compensation.  In both cases, the City has the legal right to revoke an encroachment permit or an encroachment agreement at any time upon issuing 30 days advance notice. 


The proposed resolution will summarily vacate the 5-foot pole line easement.  Burbank Water & Power and SBC have relocated their facilities, therefore, the easement area is no longer being utilized for its intended purpose and they have no objections to the proposed vacation.  The proposed vacation has been submitted to all appropriate City departments and outside public utilities companies.  Copies of the written comments that have been received from each department have been included as Exhibit B.  There are no public utilities in the area to be vacated and staff has not received any objections to the proposed vacation.   


The Streets and Highways Code, Section 8333 provides two procedures for vacating public services easements. One procedure requires a public hearing unless at least one of the following three conditions is applicable:

  1. The easement has not been used for the purpose for which it was dedicated or acquired for five consecutive years immediately preceding the proposed vacation.

  2. The date of dedication or acquisition is less than five years, and more than one year, immediately preceding the proposed vacation, and the easement was not used continuously since that date.

  3. The easement has been superseded by relocation and there are no other public facilities located within the easement.

The second procedure, the summary vacation process, differs from the normal vacation process in that a public hearing is not required.  If one or more conditions, as stated above, are applicable, the summary vacation process may be used to vacate the easement.  According to the Public Works Department and Burbank Water and Power, the pole line easement has been relocated and there are not other public facilities located within the easement.  Therefore, the vacation qualifies for the summary vacation process. 




The summary vacation will have no fiscal impact on the City.




Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution to summarily vacate a pole line easement on the parcel at 455 N. Varney Street.




Exhibit A          Map V-374 and Application for Public Easement Vacation

Exhibit B          Comments from City Departments and outside public utilities




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