Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, August 30, 2005Agenda Item - 7 |
The purpose of this report is to request Council acceptance of monies donated BY Warner Bros. to the Management Services Department Burbank Employment and Student Training (BEST) Program, and to amend the Fiscal Year (FY) 2005-06 budget by appropriating these donated funds.
The BEST Program has been very successful in developing the youth workforce within the Burbank community since 1996. The Program hires youth workers between the ages of 16 and 18 with previous paid or volunteer work experience. Private businesses throughout Burbank hire youth workers through the BEST program and reimburse the City of Burbank for their student�s hourly wages. Local non-profit and not-for-profit organizations throughout Burbank who cannot afford to hire youth workers receive participants based on donations from community organizations, individuals, and private businesses such as Warner Bros.
Youth participate in life and career preparedness training through the BEST Program. The life skills gained include goal setting, personal budgeting, and time management. The career preparedness skills are gained through mock interviews, field trips to local businesses, job shadowing, and presentations by professional guest speakers.
The Management Services Department Burbank Employment and Student Training (BEST) Program, received a donation from Warner Bros. in the amount of $6,600. Management Services would like to appropriate this money for the 2005 BEST Program.
The Warner Bros. donation of $6,600 will allow the City to place 6 to 7 BEST workers in local non-profit or not-for-profit organizations that otherwise would be unable to afford these youths. Generous donations, such as Warner Bros., not only positively impacts the lives of the youth workers, but also enriches the community by providing qualified youth workers to the Burbank Boys & Girls Club, Salvation Army, Burbank Temporary Aide Center, Burbank YMCA, and other local non-profit or not-for profit organizations.
To utilize monies generated by this donation, the Management Services Department is requesting that the budget be amended to appropriate $6,600 from Account 130-ND000-45000-1008 (Youth Endowment Services - YES) to Account 001-MS02C-60001 (Salaries &Wages).
Staff is recommending that the City Council express its appreciation to Warner Bros and adopt the proposed resolution amending the FY 2005-2006 budget by appropriating the above donation in the amount of $6,600.
Respectfully submitted, Judie Sarquiz