Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Agenda Item - 1


DATE: August 23, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

Greg Herrmann, Assistant Community Development Director / City Planner

by David L. Kriske, Senior Planner


Adoption of 2005 Local Development Report for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority�s Congestion Management Program for Los Angeles County



This report presents the 2005 Congestion Management Program (CMP) Local Development Report (LDR) for submission to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).  The City Council is requested to conduct a public hearing on the LDR and adopt the proposed resolution.




Proposition 111, approved in 1990, authorized a nine-cent increase in the state gasoline tax and mandated the creation of a Congestion Management Program to address the mobility needs of the urbanized portions of the state.  In Los Angeles County, the MTA is the designated coordinating agency for the Los Angeles County CMP.  As part of the CMP, local agencies are required to participate in a regional deficiency plan.


In years past, the CMP utilized a system of debits and credits tracking development activity versus transportation improvements.  Each year, new development (�debits�) and transportation programs and improvements (�credits�) were inventoried to account for the impacts of local development on the regional transportation system.  However, starting with the approval of the 2004 CMP, this system has been suspended and cities do not have to track their debits and credits for the 2004-2005 reporting period.  Instead, cities must complete a Local Development Report which tracks development activity only.  MTA has suspended credit reporting while MTA staff continues working on a nexus study on the implementation of a countywide congestion mitigation fee in lieu of the debits and credits system.




The LDR reports new development where building permits were pulled between June 1, 2004 and May 31, 2005.  Completion of the annual LDR, along with an adopted resolution certifying conformance to the CMP must be submitted to MTA prior to September 1, 2004.  The proposed LDR, attached as Exhibit A, includes 4 sections:

  1. 2004 Deficiency Plan Status Summary:  A summary of all development activity during the reporting period, as reported from city building permits.  These numbers represent the total of all new development versus all demolitions or exempted development, as outlined on the subsequent portions of the report.

  2. New Development Activity:  This section tracks new development during the reporting period as reported through building permit records.  Development for this year consists of building permits issued for the Home Depot commercial development, multi-family residential units, and a post-production office on the Warner Brothers site.

  3. New Development Adjustments: This section tracks all demolitions in the City as well as any exempted development.  Less than 5,000 square feet of commercial building demolitions were recorded for this year along with a small number of single- and multi-family units demolished, most of these as part of new residential projects.

  4. Exempted Development Activity:  This section tracks any exempted development as defined by MTA that is not included in the yearly development totals.  Development in this category includes low and very low income residential development or high-density residential or mixed use near rail stations.  The City had no exempted development in this reporting period.

For the 2004-2005 period, the City of Burbank reported 260 net new residential units and 217,000 square feet of commercial development. Most of the new commercial development is attributed to Home Depot and the Warner Brothers post-production building.


Continuing from last year�s CMP, MTA has continued to suspend reporting of credits and debits until further notice, and it has frozen the credit balances of each City until a countywide congestion mitigation fee nexus study is completed.  Exhibit B shows the City�s frozen credit balance of 103,590 carried over from 2003 in relation to the other agencies in Los Angeles County.


In addition to completing the Local Development Report for 2005, the City is required to be in ongoing conformance with the Land Use Analysis and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) ordinance requirements.  The City of Burbank meets these requirements through the project environmental review process and the Transportation Demand Management Ordinance of Article 23 of the Zoning Code.




If the city failed to comply with the CMP, it would lose the revenue allocated by Proposition 111-authorized (Section 2105) gas tax revenues. This amounted to $656,900.57 for FY 2004-2005.  Non-compliance may also render Burbank ineligible for other State and Federal transportation program funds.




Staff recommends the City Council adopt the proposed resolution finding the City in conformance with the Congestion Management Program and adopting the CMP Local Development Report for the 2004-2005 reporting period.




Exhibit A:        2004-2005 CMP Local Development Report


Exhibit B:        2003 Deficiency Plan Summary (prepared by MTA)





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