Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, August 16, 2005Study Session |
The City Council is holding a Study Session for the purpose of interviewing the applicants for the Charter Review Committee.
On March 22, 2005, the City Council directed staff to convene a Charter Review Committee charged with the task of working with staff and an outside consultant to review the Charter, identify necessary changes, and make recommendations regarding those changes to the City Council. At that time, the City Council also gave direction regarding the make-up of the committee and the process to appoint its members.
The Charter Review Committee will be made up of 11 members. Each Council Member may select one member of the committee from among all qualified electors of the City of Burbank for a total of five. The Council will select the remaining six members of the committee through a vote of the entire Council. The Council also tentatively agreed to select the chair of the committee at the same time it selects the members of the committee.
As of the close of the application period, June 30, 2005, the City Clerk�s office received 38 applications for the Charter Review Committee. Seven of those applicants have since withdrawn their name from consideration or moved out of the City of Burbank, making them ineligible to serve on the committee. Additionally, staff has not been able to contact or locate one of the applicants. Staff made every effort to contact this applicant to determine whether he was still interested in possibly serving on the committee, including several phone calls and voice mail messages and letters mailed directly to the address on the application (the applicant did not list an e-mail address on the application). The remaining 30 applicants have been scheduled for an interview with the Council. Applicant interviews will be held during study sessions before the regular Council meetings on August 16 and 23, 2005. Attachment 1 shows the names of all the applicants and the date they are scheduled to interview. Attachment 2 contains all the applications received.
Staff will conduct a random drawing prior to the beginning of the study session to determine the order that the Council will hear the applicants. Each applicant will have two minutes to make a statement to the Council regarding their background and interest in serving on the committee. Sufficient time will be available for the Council to ask any questions they wish at any time during the process (before, after, or between applicant statements).
The Council is scheduled to appoint the committee during its regular meeting on August 30, 2005. Based on the availability of the consultant that staff has identified and his input as to the probable length of the review process, staff has developed the following timeline for the Charter Review Committee.
Fiscal Impact
There is no direct fiscal impact associated with conducting interviews of the applicants for the Charter Review Committee. As part of the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 budget, the Council approved $40,000 for expenses related to the Charter Review Committee, including the cost of the consultant and clerical support.
Staff recommends that the City Council hold applicant interviews for the Charter Review Committee in preparation for the Council�s appointment of the committee on August 30, 2005.