Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Agenda Item - 5


                                         C I T Y  O F  B U R B A N K
                                    Financial Services Department
                                                M e m o r a n d u m



DATE: August 9, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Robert Elliot, Interim Financial Services Director




The purpose of this report is to request approval to carry over continuing appropriations from the 2004-05 fiscal year to the 2005-06 fiscal year budget for the City and the Redevelopment Agency.




At the end of each fiscal year, departments review their budgeted appropriations and submit requests for manual carryovers (unencumbered funds) to Financial Services - Budget in mid-June. In parallel to the manual carryover process, departments also submit requests to the Purchasing Section of Financial Services to keep requested purchase orders (encumbered funds) open with the funds carried forward to the next fiscal year. This report addresses those appropriations which have not been encumbered by the departments for goods or services and are considered necessary.


A summary document was put together based on the Request for Carryover Forms submitted by each department.  Staff compiled a list of requests and began the process of determining funds availability, as well as the legitimacy of the request.  A final list was developed, and distributed to the departments for final review and follow-up.  The Executives then reviewed the final list and determined what carryover requests would be submitted to the Council and Redevelopment Agency for consideration.  Keeping in mind the budgetary constraints, the Executives are satisfied that the requested carryover dollars are necessary.


The most common reasons for manual carryover requests are for:  Ongoing capital projects, delayed program implementation, continuing operations (including projects and studies such as the Domestic Violence Task Force, Starlight Bowl, Burbank Athletic Federation, etc.), and restricted dollars for a specific purpose (for example, grants awarded by the City, such as middle school grants; dollars received by the City such as Public Library Funds, Local Law Enforcement Block Grants and Drug Asset Forfeiture Funds; or, donations appropriated for a specific purpose that may cross fiscal years.)




A summary carryover list (Exhibit A) designates each General Fund request by department, account number and name, amount requested, and a justification. This is followed by a summary of all other funds with continuing appropriation requests.  This report will highlight some key appropriation requests and summarize amounts requested for the other funds.


City Attorney

  • The vendor that provides litigation and prosecution tracking services raised their rates 2% and a carryover is needed to offset this increase for FY 2005-06.

Burbank Water and Power

  • Both the Water and Electric Funds are requesting continuing appropriations for a variety of projects including the security office relocation, programming support for a new security system, and paving for completed water main installation, among other projects that are still in progress.

City Council

  • For continuation of the Domestic Violence Task force and travel to the League of California Cities conference (will not be held locally this year).

City Manager

  • Additional training for the office staff.

  • Ongoing production of the cable television show, �Teens in Action.�

  • Funding for the City Attorney�s office to continue the cable franchise negotiations and to hire contract personnel for the Channel 6 bulletin board operations.

  • DVD duplication equipment.

  • Final edition of the Citywide newsletter.

  • Webstreaming software updates.

City Treasurer

  • Unanticipated replacement signature plates are needed.

Community Development

  • Ongoing improvements to revitalize businesses along the Magnolia Park area and for Porto�s rehabilitation.

  • Online Business Center (OBC) software technology upgrades.


  • Increase in the brush clearance contract.

  • Fire Safety trailer maintenance (shared with Pasadena and Glendale).

  • Firehouse software training in FY 2004-05 was delayed due to retirements, therefore, need funding to provide training for four new staff members in FY 2005-06.

  • Replacement mattresses for Stations 11 and 13.

  • Fire shelters were returned due to defect, therefore, carry over is needed to purchase improved models when they become available.

  • FY 2004-05 Los Angeles Urban Area security Initiative (UASI) grant funds.

  • FY 2003-04 State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) for equipment.

  • FY 2004-05 State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) for equipment.

  • Private donations to the Disaster Services Division specifically designated for CERT and other related training.

Information Technology

  • Complete training and travel to accommodate staff positions into new classifications.

  • Funding for continuing contract work.

  • Replenish the Information Technology Revolving Fund to bring it back up to $340,000 balance.

  • Complete the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) replacement and bypass project.


  • Literacy grant funds.

  • Expenses related our Sister City (Ota, Japan) exchange students and to assist qualified students to visit Ota, Japan.

  • Public Library Funds (PLF), which supplement the library budget (this item has been reduced by the State from FY 2003-04 through FY 2005-06).

  • Computer/technology needs, and a portion of the PLF designated for capital needs.

Management Services

        Youth program salary accounts (and one MS&S account) that were funded by excess donations or grants in FY 2004-05, but which are to be used during FY 2005-06.

        The General Liability and Workers Compensation Funds are requiring balances to be carried over for continuing uninsured losses and the Valley Oaks system, respectively.


Park Recreation & Community Services

  • Urban reforestation funds are restricted and the balance is carried over each year.

  • Starlight Bowl remaining funds which are accumulated for capital maintenance purposes including seat renovation.

  • Awaiting invoices from Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) relating to the City and BUSD joint services agreement.

  • Funds for ongoing youth programs (Teens in Action, middle and high school counseling, Pack for Success, Peacebuilders, etc.)

  • Burbank Athletic Federation (BAF) revenues collected from sports leagues remain in this cost center for uses specifically related to BAF program costs and capital.  Each year the balance in the accounts is carried over.

  • PAY grants to BUSD that are approved but not yet paid, expenditures related to the Middle School Grant Program for new programs, developing a teen website, provide scholarship funding for at risk youth at four summer park sites, and to cover additional bus costs for summer youth programs.

  • Quarterly Recreational Guide and the 80 Year Anniversary publication (printed in May/June but paid in July).

  • Art Experience Camps that are offered during the summer months and overlap fiscal years.

  • Tournament of Roses Association dollars for the City�s annual contribution for float production.

  • Burbank on Parade funding for 2005 parade.

  • The Capital Projects Fund has ongoing projects such as installing automated lighting systems and fencing at several ballfields.

  • The Municipal Building Replacement Fund has a number of Park, Recreation and Community Services projects underway that were not completed in FY 2004-05 including irrigation repairs, signage at various parks, Belaire Ballfield improvements, Stough Park restrooms, and the Hank Riggio playground project.

  • Requested Golf Fund carryovers include the Par 3 improvement project, golf course bunker, and the DeBell Clubhouse, including deck and plumbing improvements.


  • Grant awards for Homeland security.

  • Safety equipment, and a confidential task force.

  • �Thank you� dinner for volunteer Police Reserves, which was postponed from October.

  • Monies left from a donation bequeathed to the Animal Shelter to be used for medicine.

  • Training for a new helicopter pilot, as well as all Air Support accounts.

  • All balances related to the General City Grant Fund and the Drug Asset Forfeiture Fund.

Public Works

  • Required biological and topographical surveys to obtain various permits (Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Control Board, Calif. Department of Fish and Game) to remove debris and restore flood control capacities.  Also, funds requested to reset monumentation as required by the Business and Professions Code.  Substantial work to be done in order to complete project.

  • Training for engineering and permitting staff to comply with the new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines

  • The Capital Projects Fund has several continuing projects including the Magnolia Park Angled Parking and general improvements project, sidewalk repair, alley reconstruction, Avon Street Connector, South San Fernando streetscape, Robert R. Ovrom Park, Community Services Building, and the seismic retrofit project.

  • Ongoing street improvement projects such as the bridge barrier rail replacement program, alley reconstruction, slurry seal projects, traffic management center, pavement grinding, Oak & BelAir Street project, guide sign replacement, traffic signal system upgrade, and thermoplastic pavement marking, all funded through Gas Tax dollars.

  • The Vehicle Replacement Fund has requested funds for equipment shop modifications, hydrogen fueling station, retrofitting underground tanks, and for the fleet computer program.

  • The Water Reclamation and Sewer Fund is requesting carryover monies for the copper WER study, equipment, and other miscellaneous projects not yet completed.  The largest request of over $3 million is for the Hyperion plant operations.

  • The Municipal Building Replacement Fund has a series of projects underway that were not completed in FY 2004-05 with the most notable being the Animal Shelter Kennel/Traffic project, Police/Fire Department building exterior painting, and the FTC Electrical panels/switches, Joslyn Center carpeting, CNG fueling station restroom, and the Olive Recreation Center classroom rehabilitation.

  • The Refuse Collection and Disposal fund has requested carryovers related to landfill issues, environmental permits, an erosion contract, and grant funding not yet spent.


  • There are a number of non-departmental funds that need to be carried over for future expenses including Airport related matters, Military Leave pool, Supplemental Employee Retirement Program (SERP), BCEA training, and Youth Programs.

  • Management Services had moved their employee banquet and awards account to the non-departmental cost center.  The balance of this account is requested to be carried over for future employee recognition programs.

Summary of All Funds Requested for Carryover


The following is a summary of all funds that are being requested to be carried over to FY 2005-06:








At year-end, all unencumbered appropriations revert to available fund balance and can be appropriated for other purposes.  As the Council is aware through the FY 2005-06 budget adoption process, staff continues to be mindful of Burbank�s budget problems as well as the budget crisis at the State level.  As of the writing of this report, the carryover amount is only estimate as the balances may change as financial activities in the accounts continue until the fiscal year is officially closed.  Staff will be presenting the first quarter financial report in November which will include a summary of Fiscal Year 2004-05.




Staff recommends that the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency adopt the proposed resolutions for continuing appropriations.




Exhibit A � Carryover List Detail



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