Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, August 9, 2005Agenda Item - 4 |
Staff is requesting Council approval to enter into a $74,900 Professional Services Agreement (PSA), with Orsa Consulting Engineers, Inc. (Orsa) to provide engineering services and consultation for electrical utility relocations at the Hollywood Way, Alameda and Pass Avenue Bridges, as the next phase in the Westbound SR-134 On-Ramp Project. The City will be fronting the contract cost, and will be reimbursed by Caltrans upon completion.
Staff has been working with Caltrans to complete the local tasks that will permit Caltrans to begin construction of the new State Route 134 Westbound Ramp project, which will improve freeway access and address congestion problems in the Media District. Specifically, the ramp will alleviate the existing heavy left-turn movement of northbound Hollywood Way traffic by allowing traffic to turn east (right) onto Alameda Avenue to access the westbound 134 freeway. To date, both the Hollywood Way electrical sub-station and the Alameda Avenue off-ramp have been relocated, which satisfies the City�s local match portion of this project. Utilities remain throughout the Hollywood Way, Alameda and Pass Avenue bridges that need to be relocated and modified before Caltrans can begin construction of the new on-ramp.
Proposed Professional Services Agreement
Staff recommends that a Professional Services Agreement be awarded to Orsa Consulting Engineers, Inc. (Orsa) for the utility relocation design-work. Orsa has been involved with this project since 2002, when they designed and provided technical supervision of the relocation of the Hollywood Way Electrical Distribution Substation, which is now located just east of the Alameda Substation near the southeast corner of the Hollywood Way and Alameda Avenue intersection. The firm has produced high quality design work, and their knowledge of the project and the technical requirements of the design work uniquely qualify Orsa Consulting Engineers, Inc. for this Professional Services Agreement.
project schedule
This design work accomplished with this Professional Services Agreement will lead to the physical relocations of several Burbank Water and Power utility lines that are within the project area. That work will begin this fall, and will be completed by April of 2006. Caltrans is expected to begin construction of the ramp next summer, with a completion date of late 2007. Caltrans is currently working with Public Works on a traffic management plan for the construction period.
The estimated cost for the services listed on the attached Professional Services Agreement is $74,900.00, which includes preparing design packages for electrical conduit/duct bank relocation and modification, providing cost estimates for engineering construction and support services during construction. This PSA will be completely reimbursed by Caltrans. In order to front the amount for this PSA, $74,900.00 will need to funded from the project account 127.CD33A.70002.0000.13165. This account has sufficient funds to cover the amount of the proposed Professional Services Agreement; a budget amendment would not be necessary.
Staff recommends that the Council adopt the proposed resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement between Orsa Consulting Engineers Inc.
Attachment � Orsa Consulting Engineers, Inc. PSA