Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, July 26, 2005Agenda Item - 7 |
The purpose of this report is to request City Council adoption of the resolution establishing the specification for the classification of Assistant Community Development Director � Transportation and Planning (CTC No. 0063), as shown in the attachment.
The recent resignation of the Assistant Community Development Director � City Planner, provided the Community Development Department the opportunity to review their current organizational structure. The fact that the City has developed nearly all its� existing land, eliminates the need to differentiate between transportation and general land-use planning. Current land-use decisions must include traffic and transportation analysis. It is important to respond to the increased focus on traffic and transportation issues city-wide and their impact on land-use decisions. The required skill set for both areas is virtually identical. Any projects conducted in this area will mirror or build on each other, and the actual workload, often overlaps both disciplines. As such, it is more efficient to have one individual lead and coordinate both of these areas.
As the City of Burbank has developed into a �built out� City, any land-use decisions must include transportation implications. Therefore, it is logical to bring these two disciplines under one title. Today, the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to manage both land-use and transportation/traffic planning within the City is identical. With this in mind, the Community Development Department is proposing to combine the current positions of Assistant Community Development Director � City Planner and Assistant Community Development Director � Transportation into a single Assistant Community Development Director � Transportation and Planning classification.
This classification will be an unrepresented management (�Z� group) position. Like the previous two classifications it is combining, it will continue to be exempt from Civil Service and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This position will be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.
This item was brought to the July 6, 2005 Civil Service Board for informational purposes only.
The salary range for the Assistant Community Development Director � Transportation and Planning will be set at $8,381 - $10,183. Since this proposed classification will take the place of two existing classifications, there will be an annual salary savings of $101,184 to the department.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution establishing the specification for the classification of Assistant Community Development Director � Transportation and Planning (CTC No. 0063), as shown in the attachments.
Respectfully submitted, Judie Sarquiz Management Services Director