Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, July 26, 2005Agenda Item - 5 |
To request Council approval of contract documents and the award of a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1191, Animal Shelter Driveway Reconstruction and Landscaping Project. BACKGROUND
This project for the Animal Shelter property located at 1150 Victory Place (attachment A) consists of the reconstruction of the driveway, installation of irrigation systems and landscaping.
The project will modify the existing Animal Shelter driveway and provide new landscaping with irrigation system along the frontage. The existing driveway, which allows inbound and outbound traffic, will be modified to permit inbound traffic only. A separate driveway will be constructed for outbound traffic at the north end of the property. The project will improve the ingress and egress at the Animal Shelter.
Construction for Bid Schedule No. 1191 is planned to occur between September 2005 and October 2005. Environmental review of the� Animal Shelter Driveway Reconstruction and Landscaping Project� is determined to be categorically exempt according to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (c).
Bid Schedule 1191 was advertised on June 11 and June 15, 2005, and the bid opening was held on Tuesday, June 28, 2005. Project plans and specifications were given to eight contractors, and five contractors� submitted bids as shown in Attachment B.
Vido Samarzich, Inc. submitted the lowest responsible bid of $87,955.00, which is within the project budgeted amount of $114,000 for construction and landscaping. Vido Samarzich, Inc. was found to be qualified for this project with all required licenses and experience.
Sufficient funding is currently available in the Project Account No. 534-PW33A-15022-0000-15012 (Animal Shelter Kennel/Traffic Project) to complete the project.
Staff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the contract documents and awarding a construction contract to Vido Samarzich, Inc. for Bid Schedule 1191, Animal Shelter Driveway Reconstruction and Landscaping Project.
Attachment A � Location Map Attachment B � Bidder Summary for Bid Schedule 1191
Attachment B Bidder Summary
Bid Schedule 1191 � Animal Shelter Driveway Reconstruction and Landscaping Project
Bidder Total Bid
Vido Samarzich, Inc. $ 87,955.00
Tyner Paving Company $ 92,124.15
M.W. Loyd, Inc. $ 97,890.00
HH Construction $ 103,448.00
Kalban, Inc. $ 112,555.00