Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, July 19, 2005Agenda Item - 6 |
Water Quality
Financial and Operations Update
( ) = Unfavorable * Includes Power Plant Sales, Commercial and Industrial Reclaimed Sales (A) The BOU has experienced reduced operating capacity due to carbon screen failures, MWD shutdown, and water production problems associated with the persistent low water table and two of the major wells down for maintenance. Thus, there was an increased need for purchased water from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD). The BOU has an average of 55% of operating capacity compared to 75% of budgeted capacity. (B) Additional income from closing of old work for others projects. (C) Additional income from closing of old AIC projects.
Fiscal Year 2004-05 Water Fund Financial Reserve balances as of May 31, 2005 are summarized in the following table:
BOU Water Production
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Capital Projects
Legislative Update
Electric Reliability
There was one feeder outage during May. The loss of Feeder A-3 with 572 customers for 6 minutes on May 5 was due to a problem with the new SCADA application software. As of May 31, 2005, the system-wide average is 0.3117 outages per year, compared with an industry average of 1.2 outages per year. As of May 31, 2005, the average service availability is 99.9956%, exceeding the City goal of 99.99%. The average outage length is 74.11 minutes, compared with an industry average of 80 minutes.
The following table shows the system-wide reliability statistics for Fiscal Year 2004-05 through May 31, 2005 as compared to the same time period for Fiscal Year 2003-04:
Financial and Operations Update
( ) = Unfavorable (A) Includes December and May settlement payments from El Paso for a total of 1.6 million.
Local Generation Operations Update Unit Status
May 2005 Unit Data
Magnolia Power Project (MPP)
The items in this report are provided as a general overview of the status of the Project. These items are discussed in considerable detail among the Project Participants at the Project Coordination Meeting each Friday and at Coordinating Committee meetings.
Through May, Kvaerner has worked 1,063,339 man-hours with no lost time cases and four recordable cases.
Refer to the attachment for detailed information on actual expenditures for the period ending May 31, 2005.
The major construction activities on the Project are complete. First Fire was achieved on June 4 and initial testing has started. During the second half of June, the unit will be generating net energy during testing activities. Refer to the attachment for detailed information on Project milestones.
The Magnolia Power Project Finance Committee continues to review refunding proposals and has taken no action regarding the refunding of Project A bonds.
California Energy Commission (CEC) Compliance
Monthly reports are being submitted to the CEC as required. A number of submittals are being made to the CEC to satisfy those conditions required in order to go into operation.
Engineering, Procurement and Construction Activities since last Project Director�s Report of May 16
Coordinating Committee Actions at its meeting on May 19
Project Manager�s Actions Since Last Project Director�s Report of May 19
With consultation and agreement from Project Participants, the following actions have been taken:
Key Milestones and Anticipated Significant Activities For Next 30 Days
Power Supply Capital Projects
Work continued on several SCADA displays that will be needed for Magnolia operations, including determining system energy accounting and losses.
The Telvent Emergency Back-Up server from the SCADA Center has been installed in the new Magnolia Services Building and it is now operational. The location of the back-up dispatcher work station is on hold pending resolution of security issues.
The Switching Procedure application of OPERA is operational and in use by the dispatchers. Improvements are being made and existing switching procedures continue to be reviewed, revised as needed and entered into OPERA.
BWP Engineering staff continue to work with Siemens New Energy to implement the New Energy Scheduling software that will be used for MPP. The servers for the scheduling software have been delivered and installed by New Energy and BWP staff in the new Magnolia Services/ MPP Control Building. The servers will be connected to the DCS and available for software on-site testing in early June.
The new Satec meters measuring harmonics were installed at Capon and data on harmonic content was incorporated into SCADA. Real-time harmonic content on the Capon transformer banks is now being monitored and available to all on the web browser. Tests were conducted using the Capon 34.5 kV capacitor banks and harmonic content monitored. No excessive harmonics were seen and the Capon capacitor banks were placed in regular service.
Engineering developed a fiber optic service proposal for The Switch to connect Nickelodeon 231 W. Olive Ave. to The Switch 3400 Motor Ave. in LA. (CTS Quote)
Engineering developed a fiber optic service proposal for Disney to connect Team Disney Building 500 S. Buena Vista St. to Disney 620 Paula Ave. in Glendale.
Engineering developed a fiber optic service proposal for IvyHill to connect Dalt�s Building 3500 W. Olive Ave. to Pinnacle Building 3400 W. Olive Ave.
Engineering personnel released a fiber optic job for the Public Works Traffic Department to connect the Public Works Yard to the following Traffic cabinets: (1) Hollywood Way / Clark, and (2) Hollywood Way / Magnolia Blvd.
MPP Service and Control Building � Third Floor Tenant Improvements BWP Administration Building, Phase III Interior Remodel
Perkowitz+Ruth Architects (P+R) have completed the structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing additions to the construction documents for the Administration Building remodel. P+R are waiting for Purchase Planners Group to finish the programming of work spaces so a preliminary set of construction/bid documents can be submitted for Department review and comments prior to final approval.
Electrical Distribution
Construction work for extending the ducts and manholes along Oak St. from California St. to Buena Vista, and along Buena Vista to Edison Rd. is complete. Underground cable has been delivered and installation is completed. Both Keystone- Capon #1 and #2 34,500- volt lines are completed and energized.
Since July 2004, 109 power poles have been replaced or installed. Since July, a total of 164 pole replacements were engineered and 174 issued to the field. In April, secondary line improvements in the hillside area were completed.
Since July, 16 pad mounted customer stations have been engineered, 11 were issued to the field and 11 pad mounted transformers have been energized. BWP has completed work on a new service consisting of a 34.5 kV pad-mounted switch and a 34.5 kV to 277/480 volt transformer for Hydro Aire. This service was energized in March. A deteriorated pad-mounted switch has been replaced in the Bel Aire Dr. area. BWP also replaced two pad-mounted switches at the Disney Channel Building and Disney Headquarters Building with automatic source transfer switches.
Extensive underground work was needed to provide service to three major developments in the downtown area (Olive Civic Plaza, Burbank Village Walk, and Senior Artists Colony) were completed in February. Olive Civic Plaza and Senior Artist Colony were energized in March. All phases of Burbank Village Walk (3 pad mount transformers) and the Cusumano Office Building (one pad mount transformer) were energized as of June 13, 2005.
Engineering continues working on de-loading the Alameda Distributing Station. As a part of this effort, a Work Order was issued in May to transfer Alameda-10 feeder load to Naomi-17. Also in May, the design was completed to rebuild four customer stations in the Alameda feeder areas to 12 kV.
The final design of the Warner Ranch industrial circuit from the Capon Switching Station at Warner Ranch was approved and the construction will start on June 20. BWP has placed an order with Southwest Power to purchase a padmount switch and other related equipment on behalf of Warner Bros. All equipment and materials have been received. BWP has also purchased a 34,500 to 4,160 volt padmount transformer from ABB Inc. for this project. It was delivered in March 2005. This project is expected to be completed by September 30, 2005.
Since July, 23 additional streetlights (including 7 pole-mounted lights) have been engineered in response to requests from residents, with 20 lights installed. Conversion of the streetlight series circuit on Buena Vista Ave. to low voltage was completed in March and one other series conversion work order tied to Public Works� street improvement projects was issued to the field.
Engineering has completed two Aid-in-Construction underground streetlight designs tied to the Old Police Block Development. One of them, Burbank Civic Plaza, is complete and another, for Burbank Village Walk, was issued to the field. The job order for the Senior Artists Colony is complete.
The last pole mounted oil switch was removed in April during the unloading of the Pacific-16 Feeder and the load transferred to Winona-6 Feeder. That leaves only two more feeders at the Pacific Substation in service that need to be converted to 12 kV or transferred before the substation can be de-commissioned. Feeder Naomi-17 was re-routed and Alameda � 10 Feeder load was transferred to Naomi-17 in order to unload the Alameda Substation.
The underground duct work to upgrade the underground portion of the western leg of the Olive-Capon-Western #1 line, and relocating the riser pole to the south side of Olive Ave., is complete. Bock Co. is working on the final resurfacing of the street. BWP crews have completed all pole and cable work and final connections have been made to make it ready for service. As of June 13, 2005, BWP and Glendale Water and Power (GWP) successfully tested one of the tie lines (Olive-Capon-Western #1) which will be ready for service soon. Both BWP and GWP are working on the testing of the second tie line (Olive- Capon-Western #2) which should be ready for service before MPP�s commercial date of operation.
BWP overhead distribution crews completed reconductoring and reinsulating the 69,000 volt line (pole line joint with SCE) along Buena Vista from Verdugo Ave. to Chandler Blvd. The same crew has completed remaining reinsulation work in the direction of the Olive Switching Station. This will eliminate having to wash insulators as the replacements will be Polymer insulators. The portion of the Olive-Capon-Western #1 line without the Western leg (Olive Capon #1) is in service. BWP has completed another 69,000 volt line (Toluca-Capon #1) between the Capon Switching Station and LADWP RSE, and it is in service. This involved overhead pole line work along Hollywood Way, underground cable work and relay work on the both ends.
Engineering completed preliminary work to relocate the Burbank Substation from its existing location to a new location in BWP�s yard at Lake St. and Olive Ave. Navigant Consulting is doing an analysis on whether the new proposed reconfiguration of a 34,500 volt system in this area will work BWP has completed preliminary engineering work. BWP is proceeding with the replacement of transformer banks at the Olive Switching Station first due to reliability reasons. On May 24, the City Council approved BWP�s request to negotiate the price, terms and conditions with ABB on a single�source basis.
A total of 272 remote meters were installed in May; 28 were requested by the Customer Service Division and 40 were meter change-outs or meters for new services which were performed by the Line Crews or Test Shop. 126 of the 272 were installed to saturate an area with remote meters.
BWP Electrical Engineering is working with Power Plant personnel and consultants for the Micro Turbine Project at the landfill to bring it online. The electrical connection and padmount transformer is already upgraded and we are working on the protection as well as some commissioning issues.
Customer Service
Self Serve Payment Center Opens & Good News on Credit Card Fees!
BWP recently received good news from Official Payments Corp. (OPC), the credit card vendor. They raised BWP�s customer limit for credit card payments. The cost is now $4.95 for a payment up to $500, compared to the previous limit of $300. For payments up to $1,000 the fee will be $9.90, and $14.85 for payments up to $1,500.
In addition, BWP is pleased to provide our customers with even easier ways to pay their municipal services bills. A self service payment center is located at the northwest corner of BWP�s lobby. This center is now open and provides customers the option to avoid lines by utilizing a newly placed computer that directly accesses the payments page for OPC. The phone booth is still available for those customers wishing to pay over the telephone. The credit cards accepted through OPC are Visa, MasterCard and American Express. For the computer users, BWP still offers the e-CHECK option which is a safe, convenient way to write a check online.
Flash Pay is an ever-growing payment option that is becoming more and more popular with BWP�s customers every month. As a direct debit program, Flash Pay works hand in hand with the customers� bank for a quick and easy way to pay their utility bills. The Customer Service Division has seen a 73% growth in Flash Pay enrollment since this time last year. Interested customers can either call or visit BWP�s website at www.burbankwaterandpower.com for the enrollment.
Legislative Update:
Refer to the attached legislative reports.