Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, July 12, 2005Agenda Item - 7 |
The purpose of this report is to request City Council approval to establish the specification for the classification of Veterinary Technician CTC No. 0984, as shown in the attachment.
Federal regulations require the Animal Shelter to have a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) license to procure Schedule 4 narcotics for euthanasia. In order to earn a DEA license, shelters must employ a Veterinarian or Veterinary Technician. The Shelter has been utilizing Veterinary Technicians from local Veterinarians. However, this is no longer permitted by the DEA which now requires that a Veterinarian or registered Veterinary Technician be on staff. This role is currently being handled on a temporary basis by a retired Veterinarian volunteer. To be in compliance with the new DEA policy, a staff Veterinary Technician is required.
The establishment of the new title and specification for the classification of Veterinary Technician will help the Animal Shelter meet the new DEA requirement. In order for the Shelter to keep their DEA license, they must have a registered Veterinary Technician on staff with either a valid Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) or Animal Health Technician (AHT) certificate issued by the California State Board of Examiners in Veterinary Medicine.
This position will have a high level of accountability and responsibility including difficult decisions such as the determination of when to euthanize animals. Because of this, the department needs this position to be highly responsive to departmental and public needs. In order to maintain an effective level of responsiveness and flexibility in staffing this classification is being established as exempt.
This classification will be exempt from Civil Service, subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and will not be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code. The Burbank City Employees Association (BCEA) will represent this classification and the BCEA has been advised of this establishment. The Police Chief concurs with this recommendation.
The salary range for Veterinary Technician will be $2,803-$3,500. This salary was determined by conducting a survey of comparable positions in six Animal Shelters (Los Angeles County Animal Shelter, City of Los Angeles Animal Shelter, Pasadena Humane Society, Orange County Animal Shelter, Inland Valley Human Society, and the SPCA Long Beach). This position has been included in the proposed 2005-06 Fiscal Year Budget. Therefore, there is no fiscal impact.
Staff recommends that City Council adopt the proposed resolution establishing the classification of Veterinary Technician CTC No. 0984.
Respectfully submitted, Judie Sarquiz Management Services Director