Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Agenda Item - 10


Text Box:                                                                                                                         
City of Burbank
                                                                                  Park, Recreation and
Community Services Department




DATE: July 12, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Eric Hansen, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director
SUBJECT: Approval of Mayor�s Youth Task Force Recommended Programs



Staff is requesting City Council authorization to fund Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommended Youth Programs.  The programs include the Middle School Counseling Program, a High School Counseling Program, the Teens In Action Media Communication Team, the Teens In Action Police Youth Relations Team, and the Bliss Unlimited Program.  Staff requests authorization to appropriate $175,000 from the $250,800 Youth Programs Holding Account to fund the programs as proposed by the Mayor�s Youth Task Force.




During the fiscal year 2002-2003 budget process, the City Council directed staff to set aside $500,000 of one-time funding in a Non-Departmental Holding Account (Youth Services) to be utilized for teen services and programming.  On February 15, 2005, City Council approved $250,000 of one-time funding to replenish the account.  With direction from the City Council, the Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) Board of Education, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force, the Youth Board and the Teens In Action teams, staff continues to implement programs reflecting the solutions developed by youth.  There is currently $250,800 in this account.


The following programs have been funded to date:


Peace Colors Middle School Grant Program


In July of 2002, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommended and the BUSD Board of Education approved the implementation of the Peace Colors Program at each Burbank middle school. The emphasis of the Peace Colors Program includes promoting activities which  prevent violence and bullying, and help students learn techniques and strategies for anger management, conflict resolution and respect. The total appropriated funding to date for the Peace Colors Middle School Grant Program is $255,000.



Teens In Action Media Communications Team


The Youth Solution Summit process identified an overwhelming need for youth communication and media in Burbank. The Teens In Action Media Communication Team, composed of middle school and high school students, are involved in the planning, background investigation of the topic, interviewing, camerawork, and editing.


Video productions to date:

  • Show #1   �Teens In Action Presents�.Discrimination� aired beginning May 2003.  It received a 1st Place Western Access Video Excellence Award (WAVE).

  • Show #2    �Teens In Action presents�.The Truth About Drugs and Alcohol� aired beginning November 2003.  It received the 2nd Place STAR Award from the States of California and Nevada National Association of Telecommunication Officers and Advisors  and received a nomination for a Los Angeles Area Emmy Award in the category of Public, Municipal and Operator Produced Cable.

  • Show #3   �Teens In Action reveals�What You Might Not know About Depression and Suicide� aired beginning April 2004.

  • Show #4        �Sex:  What You Don�t Know Could Hurt You�Presented by Teens In Action� aired beginning September 2004. It received a first place STAR Award.

Show # 5, Teen Dating Violence-What�s Love Got To do With It�presented by Teens In Action, the final budgeted show in the pilot series, is in production. 


The shows, by teens for teens, have proven to be valuable resources for teens as well as parents, teachers and the community.  The public and private schools in Burbank have worked cooperatively with staff to allow use of the video to assist in soliciting input, via focus groups and classes, which the team uses to improve upon future productions. The Burbank Unified School district has approved use of the videos as part of their high school health class curriculum. Staff has developed teacher guidelines to accompany the videos for use beginning in September 2005.  The completed videos are also available for public check-out at Burbank libraries.  In collaboration with the health teachers, an anti-tobacco show will be produced.  This show has also recently received a $2,500 donation from Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center.


In addition to the initial funding of $64,200 for the pilot series, City Council approved an additional appropriation of $20,000 on September 28, 2004 to fund two additional shows.  Total appropriations to date for the Teens In Action Media Communication Team video productions is $84,200.


Teens In Action Police Youth Relations Team


The Police Youth Relations Team was also formed to further define and implement solutions from the 2001 Youth Solution Summit final report. This team, comprised of middle school and high school youth, works in cooperation with the Burbank Police Department, to improve the relationship between police and youth.


Objectives of the team include provision of opportunity for positive interaction between police officers and youth, outreach to other students, and provision of positive impacts to the community through projects.  For the members, the team has provided them with a nurturing environment via  regular meetings where they work through problem solving, cooperation, teamwork and issues and school concerns.


The Police Youth Relations Team works in quarterly increments and is project driven.  Each team is involved with the production of a Teen Street Beat Show with a topic pertaining to teens and law enforcement, planning and participation in specific special or community events, and participation in the development of campus forums and a Police Rewards Program. Community events at which the team has had a presence or participated include Red Ribbon Day, Easter Eggsplosion, Fire Services Day, Civitan Day, the Ponytail Softball Jamboree, and the Verdugo Street Fair.  The Police Rewards Program was launched in fall 2004.  The team provided the school resource officers and motor officers with items to reward teens for doing something good.


The team was responsible for the development, coordination, planning and conducting of three major special events for the community.  A Ball-B-Q was held in January 2004. Building on that success, the second annual Ball-B-Q was held on February 5, 2005.  Months of planning culminated in a basketball game between youth and police officers, sponsorships, including donated supplies, food and prizes, as well as fun activities for all ages. The donation of proceeds was given to the Burbank Explorer Post to assist teens in their pursuit of a career in law enforcement. In coordination with the Police Department, the Team was involved in the planning of a National Night Out event. They had the primary role to provide free food, entertainment, activities and coordinate community agency booths.  The team�s efforts resulted in extensive in-kind donations of food, prizes or services for the approximately 1500 attendees. 


Professional facilitators for this program from August 2003 through June 2005 have been provided by We Care For Youth, a local non-profit organization dedicated to youth. City staff support has been provided from the Police Department, the Public Information Office, and the Park, Recreation, and Community Services Department. 


The total appropriated funding to date for the Teens In Action Police Youth Relations Team is $55,000.


Middle School Counseling Program


One of the overwhelming needs expressed by youth in our community throughout the Youth Solution Summit process was for more accessible and affordable counseling opportunities.  To develop a strategic plan of action for initiating a youth counseling program, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force created the Youth Counseling Subcommittee which included representatives from the Boys and Girls Club, the YMCA, the City of Burbank, the City Council and the Burbank Unified School District.


The Mayor�s Youth Task Force and the Youth Counseling Subcommittee recommended that, initially, counseling opportunities be provided at BUSD middle schools.  On January 13, 2004, based on guidelines developed for implementation of a no cost program on Burbank middle school campuses, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommended and the City Council approved an appropriation of $50,000 for the Family Service Agency of Burbank to provide counseling services. Upon approval of the program by the Board of Education and with the cooperation of school administration and staff, a program on the three middle school campuses was implemented. Phase I of the Middle School Counseling Program from March 2004 to August 2004 included the following components:  program design and development; identification, assessment and service to individual high-risk students; introduction of the program to student leadership and parents; and addressing issues related to safe and confidential access to services. 


Directly, seventy-eight students were positively impacted by the counseling services. Indirectly, other students on campus, school personnel, parents, and family members also benefit from the services provided.  The Family Services Agency provided middle school youth with accessible, affordable counseling through the remainder of the spring 2004 semester and through summer school.


The total appropriated funding to date for the Middle School Counseling Program is $100,000.  




The program components and highlights as described in this report were  funded through one time expenditures from the $500,000 holding account set aside during the FY 2002-2003 budget process.  With a remaining balance of only $800, City Council approved an additional $250,000 of one-time funding to be placed in the holding account for determination of continuance or initiation of future youth programs or services.


The Mayor�s Youth Task Force has been meeting regularly to review and discuss updates of current programs and receive presentations for consideration for different programs that may meet the needs of the youth of Burbank.  The focus has been on intervention and education for secondary students.  At its May meeting, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommended the expenditure of $125,000 from the  holding account for middle school and high school counseling.  At its June meeting, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force discussed funding for Teens In Action Media Communications Team, Teens In Action Police Youth Relations Team, and for Bliss Unlimited. Subsequently, members were canvassed for their input concerning funding recommendations.  The following programs and funding levels are recommendations from the Mayor�s Youth Task Force:


Teens In Action Media  Communication Team     $15,000

Four episodes of the Teen Television Show pilot series have been completed.  Feedback from focus groups upon completion of the episodes indicate that youth feel that the show is beneficial to addressing youth issues and should be continued and expanded to include other issues identified from the Youth Solution Summit, and suggestions made by Burbank youth. The program received funding in the amount of $64,200 to produce a total of five pilot episodes and $20,000 for two additional shows yet to be produced.  Recognized by the Burbank Unified School District as valuable resources, the shows will be integrated into the high school curriculum beginning in fall 2005. 

Production costs are approximately $10,000 per show.  The recommended funding level of $15,000 is requested for production of two shows.  Additional funding sources are being pursued to help offset the costs.


Middle School Counseling   $75,000

The Family Service Agency of Burbank is the service provider working in cooperation with the BUSD and the City of Burbank to provide the Middle School Counseling Program.  These three partners, with the Mayor�s Youth Task Force, desire to continue and enhance this counseling program at the three middle school sites.


City Council appropriated $50,000 for initiation of Phase I of the program at its January 13, 2004 meeting. On September 28, 2004, an additional $50,000 was appropriated to continue the program into the 2004/2005 school year.  The additional funding allowed for the hiring of additional counselors with a direct impact on approximately 110 youth.  Indirectly, the program positively impacts family, friends, classmates, and school personnel. This funding has been depleted. The Family Service Agency is also dedicated to seeking and identifying additional funding sources to expand services which may include additional groups, individual, family, and other services to best meet the needs of the middle school students.


It is the goal of the Family Service Agency with the cooperation of the Burbank Unified School District to enter into Phase II of the program which will include a family/self-referral component.  It is expected that implementation of this component will significantly increase the number of students served in the Middle School Counseling Program. (Attachment I)


It is the Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommendation to appropriate an additional $75,000 from the holding account to continue counseling services by the Family Service Agency of Burbank for the 2005/2006 school year.   


 High School Counseling      $50,000

The Mayor�s Youth Task Force has identified intervention and counseling as a high priority.  In their strategic plan in FY 2003-2004, a Youth Counseling Subcommittee had identified counseling as a need for all ages.  Due to funding restraints and logistics, the middle schools were selected for focus with a pilot program in 2004/2005.  Following the successful model of the Middle School Counseling Program, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force is recommending funding to expand services to include high school students.  


This proposed program (Attachment II) will allow for continuance of care for students in need as they graduate from middle school into high school, as well as address additional needs of the particular school population. The Family Service Agency of Burbank will be the service provider working in cooperation with the Burbank Unified School District and the City of Burbank. 


The program will be implemented on Burbank Unified School District high school campuses beginning in September 2005.  It is anticipated that the implementation of the program in the 2005/2006 school year will directly impact 50 to 100 students with the provision of individualized counseling services. Indirectly, the program will impact parents, siblings, friends, other students, and campus teachers and staff.


It is the Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommendation to appropriate $50,000 from the holding account to implement counseling services by the Family Service Agency of Burbank on BUSD high school campuses beginning September 1, 2005.


Teens In Action Police Youth Relations    $15,000 

It is the Mayor�s Youth Task Force Recommendation to continue the Teens In Action Police Youth Relations Team with its primary goal to improve the relationship between police and youth in Burbank, resulting in a safer community. At its June 24, 2003 meeting, City Council appropriated a total of $55,000 to provide for facilitators and materials for the team through September 16, 2004. The facilitators for this Team are We Care For Youth whose staff meets regularly with the team members. Due to the successful sponsorship efforts for their activities by the team, enough funding was available to continue the work of this team. The agreement with We Care For Youth was extended through June 16, 2005 and again through September 16, 2005.


The Teens In Action Police Youth Relations Team proposes to continue to conduct activities such as  the Teen Street Beat television show,  community Ball-B-Q to include a basketball game between youth and police, campus discussion forums, and participation in other community events.  The program also offers team members opportunities for mentoring and coaching by responsible adults. (Attachment III)


Bliss Unlimited    $20,000

Bliss Unlimited is a youth entrepreneurial academy that teaches business and life skills. It will be operated by We Care For Youth, the non-profit organization that has also been involved as facilitators for Teens In Action Police Youth Relations and the Youth Solution Summit.  The program will model a previously successful program in the Glendale Galleria. Initially, students will be involved through a Regional Occupational Program (ROP) class and will receive high school course credit while receiving employment training, job skills, and  life skills in a nurturing retail environment.  Upon completion of the course, students will have the skills to be eligible to be hired as paid staff for Bliss Unlimited and to be competitive in the job market.


The program will be a youth directed and operated retail store that will sell items such as gift baskets, apparel, and hand-crafted jewelry.  The store is located in the Burbank Town Center. Space is being provided, at no charge for three years, by Crown Realty and Development.  Bliss Unlimited is responsible for tenant improvements and furnishings.  We Care For Youth presented a proposal (Attachment IV) to the Mayor�s Youth Task Force requesting $40,000 in one time funds to assist in the remodel. The  build out will include demolition costs to remove a wall and any other necessary materials as well as provision floor coverings, shelving, work stations, production area, and retail selling space.  Funds are being sought from other resources for additional start-up and operating costs. Once open, the store will generate revenue through sales and grants.


It is anticipated that there will be 35 teens working as part of the ROP program and others as paid staff.  The Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommends appropriation of $20,000 from the holding account to partially cover remodel costs for the Bliss Unlimited employment program.


No further programs are being recommended for funding at this time.  The total amount requested for appropriation is $175,000.  If approved, the remaining balance in the holding account will be $75,800.




There will be no fiscal impact. During the Fiscal Year 2002-2003 budget process, City Council directed staff to establish a holding account  for the development and implementation of youth oriented projects. There is currently $250,800 available in the General Fund Non-Departmental Holding Account (Youth Services) 001.ND000.62970. 0000.




It is the recommendation of staff and the Mayor�s Youth Task Force that the City Council approve the one-time expenditure of $175,000 from the Non-Departmental Holding Account to appropriate $75,000 to the Middle School Counseling Program (001.PR31F.62135.1003), $50,000 to the High School Counseling Program (001.PR31F.62135.1004), $15,000 to the Teens In Action Media Communication Team (001.PR31F.62135.1005), $15,000 to the Teens In Action Police Youth Relations Team (001.PR31F.62135.1000), and $20,000 to the Bliss Unlimited Program (001.PR31F.62135.1006).




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