Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 14, 2005Agenda Item - 5 |
Staff is requesting Council approval of an agreement between the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (District) and the City of Burbank (City) to allow the Flood Control District to construct trash excluders in approximately 16 Catch basins owned by the City.
The Los Angeles River Trash Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requires that municipal storm water dischargers reduce the amount of trash that is carried to the Los Angeles River. The Stormwater permit issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board authorizing municipal stormwater discharges requires that each catch basin be classified based upon the amount of trash that has historically entered into the catch basin. The District has obtained grant funding from the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) to install trash excluders into catch basins that have been classified as receiving the greatest amount of trash. This will help meet the requirements of the Los Angles River Trash TMDL.
The City is required to reduce the quantity of trash that is being discharged into the Los Angeles River from its storm drain system. To meet this requirement the City plans to systematically retrofit its catch basins with trash excluders. The District�s installation of trash excluders on some City owned catch basins will reduce the total amount of money that the City will spend in catch basin retrofitting.
The City will be responsible for the trash excluders once installation is complete. This includes operation (patrol and relieve plugging, especially during storms), maintenance and repair.
The estimated value of the trash excluders being installed on City owned catch basins by the District is approximately $35,000, which will pay for approximately 16 units. The impact of this agreement is a savings of $35,000 to the City. The ongoing operation, maintenance, and repair of the District installed excluders will be absorbed into Public Works existing flood control program budget (Account No. 001-PW32D).
Staff recommends that the Council adopt the proposed resolution approving an agreement between the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and the City of Burbank to allow the Flood Control District to construct trash excluders in approximately 16 catch basins owned by the City.