Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Agenda Item - 5



                                                       CITY OF BURBANK
                          OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER





DATE: June 7, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Betsy Dolan, Administrative Analyst II
SUBJECT: Council consideration of a City donation to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund



At the May 17, 2005 Council meeting, Mayor Vander Borght requested that staff bring for Council consideration a discussion regarding a City donation to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund for the construction of a museum.  Staff is requesting Council direction on whether the Council would like to make a donation and the amount of that donation. 




The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial was dedicated in 1991 and pays tribute to all the law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.  In July 1987, the City Council approved a resolution donating $1,000 to the construction of the Memorial. 


Plans are currently underway to create a National Law Enforcement Museum at the site of the Memorial.  The Museum will tell the stories of the thousands of officers included on the Memorial, including Matthew Pavelka, Burbank�s own police officer who was killed in November 2003. 


At the request of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, the Burbank Police Officers Association (BPOA) is organizing an event to raise funds for the museum.  The event, entitled �An Evening of Respect,� will be held on July 9, 2005 at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center.  The goal is to raise $100,000.  All proceeds will be forwarded to BPOA who will present the contributions to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. 




There are several levels of sponsorships available for the event, or the City Council may decide to donate at some other level.  The sponsorship levels and benefits are as follows:


1.  Friends of Courage

$10,000 and Up

      Table for ten at the event

      Recognition in the program

      Recognition at the event via a banner

      Recognition in a Burbank Leader �Page of Gratitude�



2.  Friends of Integrity

$5,000 - $9,999

      Recognition in the program

      Recognition at the event via a banner

      Recognition in a Burbank Leader �Page of Gratitude�



3.  Friends of Service

$2,500 - $4,999

      Four VIP seats to the event

      Recognition in the program

      Recognition in a Burbank Leader �Page of Gratitude�



4.  Friends of Vision

$1,000 - $2,499

      Recognition in the program

      Recognition in a Burbank Leader �Page of Gratitude�



5.  Friends of Gratitude

$50 - $999

      Recognition in a Burbank Leader �Page of Gratitude�

      Commemorative BPOA pin remembering Burbank Police Office Matthew Pavelka


Several Burbank businesses have donated at the $10,000 level, including Warner Bros., The Walt Disney Co., and NBC/Universal.  Others that have committed donations include Community Chevrolet, the Bob Hope Airport, St. Joseph Medical Center, ClearChannel, The Cusumano Group, and Cunningham Trust. 


Fiscal Impact


The final fiscal impact depends on Council direction on the amount of the donation.  Staff recommends that the funding for the donation come out of the UUT/In Lieu set aside.  If the Council wishes to make a donation, staff will return with a resolution making the appropriation. 




Staff recommends that the City Council provide direction regarding a City donation to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund for the construction of a museum and the amount of that donation.   




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