Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 7, 2005Agenda Item - 4 |
On May 24, 2005, the City Council asked that staff bring back a discussion of the merits of building a second compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel station in partnership with the Airport Authority as a one-step two-step process. This is the first step to determine if Council would like staff to bring back a report and what that report should include.
The accessibility of two CNG stations would provide much needed back-up in the event that one station becomes disabled. Burbank�s current CNG fleet of 68 vehicles is comprised of 20 refuse trucks, 1 front loader, 7 buses, 7 street sweepers, 9 trucks and 24 passenger cars.
If directed by Council to move forward, both City and Airport staff would jointly pursue grant funding. It is anticipated that there would be more opportunities and a better chance of securing grant funds with two agencies applying.
Staff recommends that the Council determine whether the matter should be placed on a future agenda and direct staff on what information is desired for that report.