Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, May 31, 2005Agenda Item - 2 |
To request Council approval of amendment number 4 to the Architectural Services Agreement between the City of Burbank and Leo A. Daly Company.
On November 23, 2004, the Council directed staff to proceed with completion of the Construction Document Phase for the Community Services Building (CSB) Project. Staff effectively managed to value engineer more than $2.47M from the Design Development Phase prior to presenting the program to City Council. However, staff was tasked to continue its diligent efforts to identify additional opportunities to further reduce Project costs, with an emphasis on the construction program which represents about 78% of the total Project budget.
Since that time, the Project Team, together with the Development Overview Committee, has been involved with an on-going dialogue to determine effective cost reduction opportunities without impacting the Project�s quality and functionality. Although the $4,385 PSA Amendment is nominal in cost, it exceeds the cumulative $50,000 PSA change threshold (or 10% of the original PSA amount, whichever is less) requiring City Council approval.
Prior Daly amendments include the following:
Council directed staff to proceed with the completion of the Construction Documents (CDs) Phase on November 23, 2004. Leo A. Daly (Daly) proceeded in good faith to complete the program design as presented to City Council. Staff will meet with Daly and Turner Construction to identify further cost cutting scope and/or quality measures to be subsequently implemented during the final CD effort.
Although these cost cutting measures and their anticipated construction savings have yet to be qualified, staff maintains that as a result of this latest value engineering effort, that it will fully comply with the Council�s directive to further reduce the Project�s overall anticipated cost. The anticipated construction savings will be identified during the development of the Guaranteed Maximum Price effort and will be discussed as part of the staff report to Council at the end of the Construction Documents Phase effort.
The Project�s overall completion period will be delayed by no more than two (2) months as a result of these professional services. The Architect�s design activities are on the critical path and subsequent design related decisions will impact the Architect�s ability to fully proceed with the Construction Documents completion effort.
There is no fiscal impact if Council approves the amendment for these additional professional services. The funding source will be drawn from the �Project Contingency� line item budget of $1,307,536 established as part of the Design Development Phase presented to Council on November 23, 2004. Sufficient funds are available in Project No. 11915 to afford these professional services.
Staff recommends the Council adopt the proposed resolution.