Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, May 31, 2005Agenda Item - 1 |
To request City Council approval of a Professional Services Agreement amendment between the City of Burbank and Wolff Lang Christopher Architects for the Robert R. Ovrom Park Project, Phase I.
On January 13, 2004, the City Council previously approved a PSA amendment for Wolff Lang Christopher Architects, Inc. (WLC) to specifically provide engineering and design services for the addition of a partially subterranean garage. However, the Architect�s additional time required to coordinate, review, and address construction and related administrative efforts during the Project�s construction phase were not accounted for when seeking City Council�s approval to include the subterranean garage.
No other amendments to WLC�s PSA have been issued since that time. As of the writing of this staff report, the project is completing its 100% Construction Documents phase and will commence competitive bidding and construction scheduling activities.
There are two components that comprise this $46,000 PSA amendment: 1) $33,000 for Construction Administration Services and 2) $13,000 for Engineering and Design services to complete construction drawings for street improvements to Providencia and Cedar Avenues. The cost for each service was closely reviewed and is commensurate with industry standards for the required level of services needed for its completion.
Construction Administration Services: As previously mentioned in the �Background� section of this staff report, Construction Administration Services for the subterranean garage were not part of the January 13, 2004 staff report requesting City Council�s approval. The garage represents a major construction addition to the project and requires the Architect�s involvement with shop drawing submittals, requests for information, field observations, and related support activities. The $33,000 cost will secure an additional 22 hours per month of requisite professional services.
Engineering and Design Services � Providencia and Cedar Avenues: The Project�s original scope included only the necessary removal and replacement of curb, gutter, and sidewalks that were either damaged or had driveway approaches along the frontage of Providencia and Cedar Avenues. However, after further consideration, the decision was made to replace the existing infrastructure for several reasons:
Consequently, the City directed WLC to generate the necessary construction documents to complete these off-site improvements. The $13,000 cost for these services are commensurate with other engineering and design costs the City is paying for similar services on another Capital Project.
There is no change to the Project�s overall completion period as a result of these required professional services. Garage construction was previously accounted for in past staff reports and presentations to City Council. Activities in developing the Guaranteed Maximum Price will confirm the required construction period (estimated at eleven months) and will subsequently be discussed in a separate staff report presentation to City Council.
There is no fiscal impact if City Council approves the PSA amendment for these additional professional services. The funding source will be drawn from the �Project Contingency� line item budget of $300,868 established as part of the Design Development Phase budget accepted by City Council on May 18, 2004. Sufficient funds are available in Project No. 13504 to afford these required professional services. RECOMMENDATION
Staff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution.