Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Agenda Item - 4


                                               CITY OF BURBANK
                                 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT


DATE: May 24, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bruce S. Feng, Deputy City Manager/Public Works & Capital Projects

By:  Kenneth Johnson, Assistant Public Works Director - Traffic Engineer




To provide Council with an update of our progress on modifying the traffic signal operation and timing at Chandler Boulevard/Hollywood Way and Chandler Boulevard/Buena Vista Street.




Staff presented information to Council on March 29, 2005 about existing traffic operation issues at the two signalized intersections.  The identified issues are: 1) traffic signal operation that produces traffic delays and long vehicle queues on the major north-south streets during peak travel periods, and 2) specialized traffic signal heads installed for safety cause confusion to some drivers at each intersection.  After discussion, Council directed staff to modify the traffic signal operation to favor traffic on Hollywood Way and Buena Vista Street by increasing traffic delay on Chandler Boulevard as soon as possible.  Council also directed staff to solicit the viewpoints of residents in the Chandler Bikeway area about a one-way, boulevard type of operation on Chandler Boulevard.




Over the last several weeks, staff investigated several variations to the basic signal operation plan desired by Council to identify the safest operation for bicyclists and pedestrians while minimizing delays on the two major north-south streets.  Traffic signal operational changes were also investigated to address the driver confusion issue.


Traffic Signal Operations - Specific phasing designations were applied to each vehicle movement through the intersection to enable the local control system software to produce the required flow sequence through each intersection.  These phasing designations, illustrated in Attachment 1, are comprised of primary phases 1 through 8 and slave �overlaps� A through D.  The proper phasing designation prevents simultaneous conflicting vehicle and pedestrian movements.


The proposed traffic signal phase sequencing is shown in Attachment 2.  The north-south major street traffic movements will operate during each signal cycle, while the side street Chandler Boulevard movements will operate only every other signal cycle.  The proposed phasing includes the clearance of vehicles in the bikeway crossing area prior to allowing pedestrians or bicyclists to cross.  The phasing provides two vehicle clearance opportunities, prior to main street green and with the side street operation.


The bikeway has a separate operating phase from all other vehicle phases, but the bikeway phase may operate in conjunction with either Chandler Boulevard phase.  Thus, the bikeway green can operate every signal cycle, if the bicycle detection is activated.  Bicyclists and pedestrians will be served at least every 90 seconds, similar to the main street vehicle operation.


The proposed phasing was thoroughly tested with our signal simulation software and further tested in a controlled test environment for the last several weeks to fully insure the achievability of desired safety and operational requirements.  The tests are completed and the timing is ready to install at the intersections upon final approval of Council.  The timing can be fully operational within a week of Council approval.  Residents will be notified of the changes by letter.


Traffic signal Hardware � The proposed traffic signal timing and phasing will require some minor wiring modifications that are easily completed.  After installation of the timing, staff will test some new traffic signal heads that are designed to eliminate the driver confusion at each intersection.  The new devices operate more reliably during both daytime and nighttime periods.  This equipment will be installed within a few weeks of the re-timing operations.


If approved by Council, this traffic signal timing and phasing will be subject to design immunity.




The changes proposed to the two signalized intersections along the Chandler Bikeway will be completed with available materials and City Staff.  The improvements will have no fiscal impact.




Proceed with the modification of the traffic signal operation at Hollywood Way/Chandler Boulevard and Buena Vista Street/Chandler Boulevard as approved by Council.   



Attachments:    Figure 1 � Proposed Phasing Designation

Figure 2 � Proposed Traffic Signal Operation