Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, April 19, 2005Agenda Item - 5 |
The purpose of this report is to provide
information to the City Council to consider the adoption of a Resolution of
Intention setting the public hearing date to consider the conditional vacation
of a portion of Elmwood Street located west of San Fernando
The applicant, Crown 725 Associates LLC, is requesting the vacation of Elmwood Street. Crown 725 Associates LLC owns the property on both sides and at the end of the street to be vacated. The owner will retain the vacated street as a driveway through their property and has no immediate development plans. Elmwood Street dead ends into the yard and loading area of their property and vacation of the street would eliminate public access to their property and provide better security. The attached pictures illustrate how the street affects their adjacent property (Exhibit C).
There is also a segment of an alley, 15-feet by 15-feet, adjacent to the westerly end of Elmwood Street that is still a public alley, which the City proposes to include in the proposed vacation. The remainder of that alley was vacated in December, 1997 per Resolution 25,197, but this small segment was retained for a turn-around at the end of Elmwood Street.
The purpose of the Resolution of Intention is to set the public hearing date for May 10, 2005 for the proposed conditional vacation. All appropriate City departments and all outside utilities have reviewed the proposed vacation including Pacific Bell, Charter Communications, the Gas Company, and the Los Angeles Department of Public Works.
The proposed vacation has been conditioned by The Gas Company and Pacific Bell requesting that a permanent easement be retained for their facilities and operations and maintenance (Exhibit B).
Once the vacation hearing date is set by adoption of the proposed Resolution of Intention, the hearing will be noticed by: 1) a mailed notification to all property owners within a 1000 foot radius of the area to be vacated; 2) by posting of a notice at several locations on the area to be vacated; and, 3) by a published notice in the Burbank Leader. The published notice will appear two (2) times within the fourteen days preceding the hearing. The mailed notice must be mailed at least 10 days prior to the public hearing on the vacation.
Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this proposed vacation is Categorically Exempt by Section 15301 pertaining to existing facilities with negligible or no expansion of their use.
The adoption of the Resolution of Intention setting the public hearing date will have no fiscal impact on the City.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution.
Exhibit A Map V-369 Exhibit B Comments from City Departments and outside public utilities Exhibit C Photo of proposed area to be vacated