Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Agenda Item - 4


                            C I T Y   O F   B U R B A N K
                      DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS


DATE: March 29, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bruce S. Feng, Deputy City Manager/Public Works and Capital Projects

via:  Bonnie Teaford, Chief Assistant Public Works Director-City Engineer

Rodney Andersen, Principal Civil Engineer

by: Matthew Rutkowski, Civil Engineering Associate


APPROVAL OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR Sanitary sewer system hazard mitigation project (BID SCHEDULE NO. 1177) AND AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO Re Pipe � California, Inc.  dba PPR.



To request Council approval of contract documents and award of a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1177, Sanitary Sewer System Hazard Mitigation Project.




On December 8, 1998, the Council accepted a Federal Emergency Management Agency/Office of Emergency Services (FEMA/OES) Grant Acceleration Program (GAP) offer.  The FEMA/OES GAP offer provided a fixed level of funding to cover the total cost of eligible repairs to facilities damaged by the Northridge earthquake.  The total amount of this agreement was $13,645,090, designated GAP Damage Survey Report (DSR) 91558.  The settlement covered all sewer repair work in the previously completed Phases 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 including all inspection services on these contracts. 


On May 27, 2004 the City of Burbank received a fax from the Governor�s Office of Emergency Services that the GAP DSR 91558 had been closed with an underrun amount of $171,339.  This underrun amount was transferred to GAP DSR 12240 as a new Hazard Mitigation Project.  The scope of work under Bid Schedule No. 1177 is authorized by the FEMA/OES DSR 12240.


This project is categorically exempt under CEQA requirements per Section 15301(b), since the work being done is restoration or rehabilitation of damaged sewer pipes due to the earthquake.


Bid Schedule No. 1177 consists of:

  • lining of 2,925 linear feet of 8� diameter sanitary sewer pipe

  • lining of 1,135 linear feet of 10� diameter sanitary sewer pipe

  • reinstatement of 108 lateral connections

  • removal and replacement of approximately 59 LF of pipe at various depths to permit lining

Attachments 1-7 show the sewer reaches included under this Bid Schedule.  Bid Schedule No. 1177 was advertised in the Burbank Leader on January 22 and 26, 2005, and a bid opening was held on February 22, 2005, in the City Hall Council Chambers.  The table below lists the names of the two bidders and their bid amounts:


Bidder�s Name

Bid Amount

Re Pipe � California, Inc. dba PPR


WESCO Infrastructure Technologies, LP





As shown in the above table, Re Pipe � California, Inc. dba PPR submitted the lowest bid.  This bid was approximately 5.3% more than the engineer�s estimate of $171,500.00.  Staff evaluated Re Pipe � California, Inc. dba PPR�s bid proposal and general contractors specification package and found that Re Pipe � California, Inc. dba PPR meets the required qualifications for performing the project.  There were no substantial issues found that could disqualify Re Pipe � California, Inc. dba PPR or result in the rejection of their bid.  Re Pipe � California, Inc. dba PPR has satisfactorily completed many projects similar in scope to Bid Schedule No. 1177 for Burbank and other cities in the area over the past few years.




Initially, the City will fund this project from Fund 494 (Water Reclamation and Sewer Fund).  The proposed resolution appropriates $180,512.00 from Fund 494 unappropriated fund balance to project number 494-PW23C-15032-0000-15650.


FEMA/OES will reimburse $171,339.00 of the actual Phase 7 project costs following completion of the project and submittal of the claim request by the City. 




Staff recommends that the Council adopt the proposed resolution approving bid documents for Sanitary Sewer System Hazard Mitigation Project (Bid Schedule No. 1177), awarding a construction contract to Re Pipe � California, Inc. dba PPR in the amount of $180,512.00, and appropriating $180,512.00 from Fund 494.  







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