Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 29, 2005Agenda Item - 16 |
At the February 22, 2005 meeting, Council Member Golonski asked to agendize for Council discussion whether to direct staff to schedule a joint study session with the Planning Board on traffic issues. This report suggests potential dates and formats should the Council wish to proceed with this.
Council Member Golonski specifically mentioned looking at level-of-service standards and timetables for implementing traffic and transportation improvements. Additionally, staff suggests that the study session also cover traffic forecasts and trends, the proposed trip-based development standard, railroad grade crossings, the Citywide traffic signal program, current levels-of-service at major intersections, and planned improvements.
Due to currently scheduled study sessions and other agenda constrains, the study session would need to be scheduled prior to a regular Council meeting in May. Alternately, the Council could consider conducting the study session at a special joint meeting on a night other than the regular Tuesday meeting time.
Staff requests direction on whether to schedule a joint study session with the Planning Board on traffic.