Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 22, 2005Agenda Item - 6 |
The purpose of this report is to request the Council make an appointment from the qualified applicants to one vacancy of an unexpired term on the Traffic and Transportation Committee, ending on June 1, 2006.
The Traffic and Transportation Committee consists of ten members, with five members appointed by the Council and the remaining five members appointed as follows: one representative each from the City Manager's Office, Public Works Department, Police Department, Community Development Department and the Superintendent of the Burbank Unified School District. There is currently one vacancy on this Committee for an unexpired term ending June 1, 2006, created by the resignation of Board Member Christopher Wiard. The City Clerk�s office began advertising for this vacancy with the issuance of a press release on January 18, 2005. Notice was also placed on the City�s website and the Channel 6 Scroll. As of the Friday, March 11, 2005 deadline, applications were received from: Joseph M. Spaulding; Gregory B. Scher; and, Donald D. Farquhar.
It should be noted that all Board, Commission, and Committee members serve without compensation from the City and no person shall serve on more than one Board, Commission, or Committee (established by the Burbank Municipal Code) at the same time. In addition, any person appointed to be a member of a Board, Commission, or Committee must be an elector of, and actually reside in, the City of Burbank. RECOMMENDATION:
Staff recommends that the Council consider the three applications submitted and make one appointment to the unexpired term on the Traffic and Transportation Committee ending June 1, 2006.
Respectfully submitted, Margarita Campos, CMC City Clerk