Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Agenda Item - 2


DATE: March 22, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager/Executive Director

Sue Georgino, Community Development Director/Assistant Executive Director

Ruth Davidson-Guerra, Assistant Community Development Director for Housing and Redevelopment

By: Doug Swoger, Housing Development Manager


discussion of pROPOSED STUDY SESSION on the city�s progress in achieving Affordable Housing goals




The purpose of this report is to provide information to the City Council and Redevelopment Agency Board to discuss the proposal to engage in a joint City Council/ Planning Board study session on the City�s progress in achieving affordable housing program goals. 




At the City Council meeting of February 15, 2005, Councilmember Golonski requested a combined City Council/Planning Board study session on the City�s progress toward achieving the affordable housing goals.  This report represents the first step in the �one-step, two-step� process.


In July 2003, the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board held a study session on the City/Agency affordable housing strategy.  The staff report for that study session provided a detailed discussion of the actions taken since 1999 to provide affordable housing opportunities as well as a review of the various legally required planning documents that the City/Agency must maintain as part of its state and federal obligations.  Also highlighted in that report were the recommended goals and programs of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Affordable Housing (approved by the City Council/Agency Board in February 2003).  Since the 2003 study session, staff has taken steps to address those goals and continues to expand and implement the programs.


If so directed, staff will provide a comprehensive report on all of the City�s affordable housing efforts, including proposed opportunities such as the development of an inclusionary housing ordinance and possible modifications to the Mortgage Assistance Program.




Staff requests direction on how to proceed with this matter.


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