Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 15, 2005Agenda Item - 7 |
This report requests Council approval to move forward with contract negotiations with Tiburon to implement a Public Safety Suite (PSS) to replace the existing Police Department Public Safety Computer System, and authorization to use Thayer Consulting as the contract negotiator. The upgrade for Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Records Management (RMS), and Mobile Data Computer (MDC) systems are included with the upgrade and will replace the aging and outdated Public Safety System.
The current Public Safety System, Tiburon Phoenix, is almost 20 years old, outdated, and running on old hardware technology with a closed (proprietary) database. It was designed as a basic CAD/RMS system, not meant to support the applications that have been added over the years, such as the Automatic Vehicle Locator System, MDC�s, and PC technology. The inability of the system to support technological advances adversely impacts the service provided to the community. The system struggles to function within its current capabilities and failures have occurred.
The proposed upgrade will provide the Burbank PD with a CAD module which supports dispatching and incident control for law enforcement, and RMS, a management module for the capture, control, dissemination and retrieval of incident and person records. It will also contain a Field Automation System (FAS) that integrates a Mobile Dispatch System which utilizes private and public radio frequency communications to receive dispatch information, send status changes, and run remote inquiries, and an Automated Reporting System which supports the collection of incident data from automated dictation systems, transcription units, and field officers and detectives on laptop or desktop workstations. Additional functionality provided by the solution includes a Property Room Module to maintain an inventory of confiscated property, and an Imaging System that captures booking images, sound and movie clips.
Police Department and IT staff conducted extensive research on the Public Safety Suite applications available for purchase. The top three criteria for screening were: 1) a single vendor that offered both CAD and RMS modules consistent with our requirements; 2) a strong vendor presence with multiple successful implementations in California; 3) having one or more neighboring cities using the same solution. Staff�s research included, but was not limited to: attending software demonstrations from several vendors, contacting other cities to identify their application portfolio, identifying the neighboring cities� existing PSS applications as well as their plans for future upgrade or replacement, requesting their PSS related contracts, and inquiring about any contract negotiators that they had used in the past or were currently using.
Out of 63 surveyed cites, 36 responded with seven currently using Tiburon, four using Motorola and others with a mix of home-grown and other vendors� applications. The top two vendors, Motorola and Tiburon, chosen by our neighboring cities Pasadena and Glendale respectively, were chosen for a more detailed study. This decision was not only based on the cities� survey but also on how closely the vendors appeared to meet our needs and our documented functional and technical requirements. Multiple site visits were conducted at agencies using these vendors� PSS products in the presence of, and in the absence of vendor representatives.
A requirements document was completed and revised by a committee of key Police Department users and IT personnel. The requirements document will be used as the basis for the contract negotiation and the �Statement of Work� documentation for the successful implementation of the project.
Although both Motorola and Tiburon applications address our base defined requirements and critical needs, Tiburon was found superior for the following reasons:
Contract negotiations with Tiburon will be complex and are critical to the success of the upgrade. As such, the City Attorney�s Office, the Purchasing Department and the Information Technology Department are recommending using a consultant with PSS expertise to assist in the contract negotiations. Thayer consulting is dedicated to public safety technology negotiations and has been recommended by the City of Pasadena where they assisted in needs assessment, specifications development, and contract negotiation for their recent Police Safety System acquisition.
At the February 15, 2005 Council meeting, $1,500,000 was identified for this project. This includes the non-negotiated system price and the contract negotiation consultant. There will be additional costs associated with implementation including overtime costs and the non-negotiated cost of data sharing with the Glendale Police Department. Thayer Consulting will be retained by COB for a cost not to exceed $19,500.
Once the negotiation process has been completed and an accurate cost for the upgrade is determined, Information Technology and the Police Department will update the Council and make further recommendations on how to proceed.
Staff recommends the commencement of contract negotiations with Tiburon Systems, using the assistance of Thayer Consulting services, to upgrade the City of Burbank Police Public Safety Suite.