Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Agenda Item - 8


City of Burbank








Management Services Department



DATE: March 1, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director




The purpose of this report is to request City Council adoption of a resolution revising the specification for the classification of Police Cadet CTC No. 0639, as shown in the attachments.




The purpose of the position of Police Cadet is to have a number of qualified individuals readily available for promotion primarily to the position of Police Officer, as well as other law enforcement-related positions.  The classification of Police Cadet was established in 1971 and has been revised several times over the years to meet the changing needs of the Police Department and the City at the time.  Most recently, in September of 2002, the specification was revised to add an educational component, add a one hour response time from notification, relax the requirements for permanent resident alien status to allow for a wider pool of eligible candidates, and remove the three year cap on employment in this classification.


However, since that time, the Police Department and the City have discovered that employees that have been hired into this classification are not necessarily interested in continuing their careers in law enforcement.  This position has always been intended to be a trainee-level position to introduce the incumbent to a variety of law enforcement careers through practical experience while allowing the Department the opportunity to assess the qualifications of the incumbent through actual work performance.


As the Council is aware, the Burbank Police Department has been actively recruiting for the position of Police Officer since 2002 with limited success.  The Department is currently down seven positions with an additional eight positions frozen due to budgetary restraints.  To enhance the Department�s ability to successfully recruit and maintain qualified individuals for the position of Police Officer on a continuous basis, the Department and the City have recognized the need to revise this specification.


Police Cadets are assigned to a variety of tasks within the Department which may require them to be scheduled on varying shifts since the Department is a 24-7 operation.  Because of the nature of the work, it may also become necessary for a Police Cadet to work overtime with little or no notice.  Some of the tasks which a Police Cadet may be assigned require the use of office equipment and computers.  Maintaining a 2.5 Grade Point Average each semester or quarter demonstrates a consistency in academic performance.  Residing within 45 miles of the City provides the Department with a reasonable expectation that the Police Cadet could respond within one hour in varying traffic conditions.  The three year maximum tenure would provide the Department the time to assess the qualifications of the incumbents through evaluation of actual work performance as well as provide the Department with the ability to �turn over� the position with some frequency so that they are able to maintain a number of qualified individuals who may be hired quickly as Police Officers or other law enforcement-related positions as they become available.




The revision of the specification for the classification of Police Cadet will enhance the Police Department�s ability to recruit and evaluate highly qualified individuals for the position of Police Officer or other law enforcement-related positions.  Additionally, Police Cadets will have successfully completed the extensive background process which will save the Department several months during a recruitment process.


This classification will continue to be exempt from Civil Service but will be subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  This classification will continue to be represented by the Burbank City Employees Association (BCEA).  This classification will not be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.  The Civil Service Board approved these revisions at their regular meeting on February 2, 2005.




There is no fiscal impact from the revision of this specification because the current salary range for the position will be maintained.




Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution revising the specification for the classification of Police Cadet CTC No. 0639.



Respectfully submitted,

Judie Sarquiz

Management Services Director