Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, February 8, 2005Agenda Item - 4 |
The purpose of this report is for City Council to consider a second reading of an ordinance to approve a mixed use development at the above referenced property.
Public Hearing of December 7, 2004: On December 7, 2004, City Council held a public hearing to consider a proposal by PW, LLC to construct a mixed used project in the Media District. After public testimony, rebuttal from the applicant and Council deliberation, the City Council voted 4-1 to adopt the Water Supply Assessment, certify the Environmental Impact Report, amend the General Plan for this site, conditionally vacate the street and alleys, conditionally approve the vesting tentative tract map and complete a first reading to adopt the ordinance approving the Planned Development with accompanying Development Agreement and conditions (the �PD Ordinance�).
The Council made these approvals subject to modifications to the project which include:
Public Hearing of January 11, 2005: At the Council meeting of December 14, 2004, Council Members requested that the second reading of the ordinance be noticed as a public hearing to allow the public to have input on the modifications that were made at the December 7 public hearing after the public testimony period had ended. A public hearing, therefore, was held on January 11 to consider the changes made to the project. After public testimony, the Council began deliberations. While no vote was taken, there was some consensus among the Council Members that the project needed to be further modified. Specifically, Council Members made the following suggestions:
The City Council also requested that the applicant come back with a massing model so that the Council could better visualize what the project would look like. Specifically, Council Members were interested in how the size of the buildings would compare to its surrounding neighborhood such as the multi and single family neighborhood across Alameda Street. The applicant was present at the meeting when Council made this request and has informed staff they are preparing a model in accordance with this direction. The applicant�s model will be presented to the Council at the February 8 meeting by the applicant. The model was not available prior to preparation of this report.
Project Modifications: Staff has conducted analysis on the proposed modifications of the project and find that the components of the newly revised project remain consistent with the Media District Specific Plan and Planned Development findings. Because the applicant has not completed the model, staff has not been able to conduct analysis of it prior to the Council meeting.
Updated CEQA: An Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report that was certified by City Council has been prepared which states that the modifications made to the project at the December 7 and January 11 public hearings have been adequately studied and do not result in new or greater significant impacts than those already identified. Additionally, should the City Council move a second reading of the ordinance, staff has prepared a resolution modifying the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings to more accurately depict the modified project. Additionally, the Development Agreement and Conditions of Approval have been amended to reflect the suggestions made by Council.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution modifying the CEQA findings and move a second reading of the PD ordinance and approve the project as modified by the City Council.
Exhibit A Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report prepared January 25, 2005