Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Agenda Item - 2


                                      CITY OF BURBANK
                           PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT
DATE: February 8, 2005
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bruce S. Feng, Deputy City Manager, Public Works and Capital Projects

by: Phillip Clifford, Capital Projects Manager





To request Council approval of a Professional Services Agreement between Accord Engineering, Inc. and the City of Burbank to provide environmental management oversight and remediation efforts to abate non-hazardous waste for the Robert R. Ovrom Park Project, Phase 1.




In July 2003, the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) was awarded $1.5 million in federal funds from the U.S.E.P.A. to select a limited number of Brownfield sites in California that would receive services to conduct Targeted Site Investigations (TSI).  TSI funds provide state and local governments, school districts, and redevelopment agencies an opportunity to gain more information about a site�s condition, which can directly affect decisions on property acquisition or cleanup strategy.   Sites selected for this program received no cost services to the applicant to conduct on-site investigations.  


The DTSC informed staff that TSI funds were available and staff submitted its TSI application.  The DTSC approved the Project as a grant funding recipient on November 24, 2003.  In January 2004, the City Council concurred with staff that it was deemed in the City�s best long-term interest to accept the DTSC grant funding to complete a Preliminary Endangerment Assessment[1] (PEA) since it would provide further and undeniable assurances that the project site was environmentally safe for all users.  City Council approved a Cooperation Agreement between the City and the Burbank Unified School District to outline each party�s respective responsibilities and a separate Indemnification Agreement between the City and the DTSC. 


The City retained Accord Engineering, Inc. (Accord) as an approved DTSC service provider to complete the PEA and a subsequent Supplemental Site Investigation (SSI).  Its primary activities performed from January 2004 through the present period include the following.

  • January through March 2004 - Reviewed the City�s existing environmental documentation, developed a work plan, performed site reconnaissance, and laboratory analyses

  • April 2004 - Prepared and issued a draft PEA Report

  • April 27, 2004 through May 27, 2004 - Public Review and Comment Period

  • May 4, 2004 � Minor site mitigation efforts (house sweeping) performed based on elevated concentrations of arsenic within the upper two feet of soil

  • July 2004 � DTSC approved the Final PEA Report

  • July through August 2004 - Supplemental Site Investigation (SSI) determined that additional remediation were necessary based on a larger site area than originally anticipated containing localized yet high arsenic concentration levels

  • July through December 2004 - Removal Action Work Plan (RAW) developed by Accord and approved by the DTSC delineating remediation efforts

  • December 2004 through February 2005 (Estimated) � DTSC activities for public outreach, public notification, survey, and comment period



As a consequence of the SSI results, the DTSC directed Accord to prepare a Removal Action Work Plan (RAW) to remediate the arsenic contaminated soil that encompassed an area approximately fifty feet square.  The RAW was a requirement based on the presence of arsenic contaminated soil in a localized area within the property site formerly known as 140 E. Providencia Avenue.  The subject PSA represents Accord�s final phase of the remediation effort to abate approximately 200 tons of non-RCRA hazardous waste[2] and 250 tons of non-hazardous waste.  Only a very minute portion of the soil is comprised of arsenic with the quantity of soil removal being very conservatively estimated to maximize assurance of its entire removal. This translates to a total of about 300 cubic yards or 30 dump truck loads and represents a conservative quantity.


The services will be performed during weekends as an additional precaution to the student population and contributes approximately $21,000 in premium equipment and labor costs and dump fees.  The services generally include project management oversight and remediation efforts to complete the following activities.

  1. Prepare the affected site, excavate, stockpile and sample affected soil materials, and provide environmental monitoring and dust control in full accordance with the Removal Action Work Plan. 

  2. Remove approximately 200 tons of non-RCRA hazardous materials and approximately 250 tons of non-hazardous waste materials to certified land fill facilities.  All excavation, removal, and monitoring activities will be performed during weekends. 

  3. Prepare a Removal Action Completion Report including all necessary revisions imposed by DTSC and/or the City for final acceptance.

As a final step in the remediation effort, the Removal Action Completion Report will be reviewed by the DTSC.  Upon DTSC acceptance, a �No Further Action� letter will be issued and the remediation effort officially closed.


Completion of the proposed services can be accomplished within 100 calendar days of its February 2005 commencement and will be performed concurrent with the Design Team�s remaining design and approval activities.  This scope of work is not on the critical path and therefore does not impact the Project Schedule and construction commencement.




There is no anticipated fiscal impact anticipated for this scope of work.  The current approved project budget includes $185,000 for all professional services remediation efforts by Accord and the DTSC.  The approval of this PSA for $89,068 will bring the total spent for remediation efforts to $114,513 leaving a balance of $70,487 for DTSC services.  Funds for this PSA are available in project 13504.




Staff requests Council approval of the Professional Services Agreement between Accord Engineering, Inc. and the City of Burbank to provide environmental management oversight and remediation efforts to abate non-hazardous waste for the Robert R. Ovrom Park Project, Phase 1.




Cc:       Ruth Davidson-Guerra

            Mary Riley





[1] The PEA�s primary objective is to determine if there has been a release or there is a potential release of hazardous materials, which could pose a threat to children, staff, or community members. A Preliminary Endangerment Assessment (PEA) is an investigation performed to determine whether current or past hazardous material management practices or waste management practices have resulted in a release or threatened release of hazardous materials, or whether naturally occurring hazardous materials are present, that pose a threat to children�s health and learning abilities, public health, or the environment.

[2] The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) authorizes the EPA to regulate waste management activities and authorizes states to develop and enforce their own waste management programs in lieu of the federal program if a state�s management program is substantially equivalent to, consistent with, and no less stringent than the federal program.



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