Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, February 1, 2005Agenda Item - 4 |
The purpose of this agenda item is for the City Council to appoint members to the Magnolia Park Community Advisory Committee (CAC) from the qualified applicants.
On September 21, 2004, staff outlined recent activities involving the Magnolia Park Community Advisory Committee including the consideration of an Action Plan and the consideration of options for filling vacancies on the Magnolia Park Community Advisory Committee. Although the Committee continued to maintain a quorum, three of the fifteen members had resigned due to the sale or relocation of their businesses. Because all three of the Committee members who had resigned were business person appointees, the current make up consists of eight residents and four business persons within the district. Staff recommended that the City Council request new applications to fill the three vacant positions for business and/or commercial property owners.
The Council directed staff to advertise for new business and/or commercial property owner applications to fill the three existing vacancies.
The deadline for submitting applications to the City Clerk�s office was November 22, 2004, 5:00 p.m. Staff received four applications; however, one of the four applicants did not meet the minimum requirement. The fourth applicant is a resident in Magnolia Park, not a business and/or commercial property owner within the Magnolia Park District. The three qualifying business and/or commercial property owner applications are attached as Exhibit A.
As part of the City�s efforts to revitalize the Magnolia Park area, the CAC offers a balanced voice to residents and merchants to help ensure vitality among the merchants, while remaining sensitive to quality-of-life issues for the residential community. Once appointed, staff will promptly brief the new members on the various existing and proposed activities for the district as outlined in the approved Magnolia Park Action Plan, highlighting the specific areas of marketing, infrastructure improvements and business attraction programs.
Staff has listed the qualified applicants as follows:
It is recommended that the City Council appoint three new business and/or commercial property owner members to the Magnolia Park CAC.
Exhibit A Applications