Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, January 25, 2005Agenda Item - 8 |
Staff requests Council approval of contract documents and the award of a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1155, San Fernando Corridor ITS Project to KDC, Inc., dba Dynalectric. BACKGROUND
The Cities of Burbank and Glendale offered a joint proposal to the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) during the 2001 Call for Projects for an intelligent transportation system (ITS) project to maximize the operational capacity of surface streets along the I-5 corridor. The project was approved and funded by the MTA in 2002. The project goal is to effectively manage traffic congestion on the surface street network from incidents and recurring traffic congestion on the I-5 with an ITS system. It includes Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) sites, Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), traffic signal system coordination, and a congestion detection (system detectors) to identify and control congestion in the corridor. These management devices are connected to traffic control centers in each city by a fiber-optic communications network.
The ITS devices, properly deployed, allow incident detection, automatic modification of traffic signal timing, and traveler route advisory information for a wide variety of incidents affecting major streets along the I-5. The systems are particularly intended to manage traffic during traffic accidents on the major streets, or for diversion of freeway traffic during severe freeway congestion. Additionally, a Burbank to Glendale communications system installed with a previous ITS project will allow joint monitoring of devices in each city. The locations of the proposed devices and communications are illustrated in Attachment A.
The total Burbank � Glendale project was funded at $7,114,000. The Burbank allocation was $4,730,000, and the Glendale portion was $2,384,000. The Burbank project funding includes $3,684,000 in MTA Proposition C 25% funds, $936,000 of developer impact fees, and $110,000 of in-kind staff services for management and inspection. Glendale has completed their part of the project, and this Burbank project will complete the remainder of the joint ITS system.
This San Fernando Corridor Intelligent Transportation System project was found to be categorically exempt from environmental review as defined in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15301(c).
Bid Schedule 1155 was initially advertised on December 1, 2004, and the bid opening was held on Tuesday, December 21, 2004. Project plans and specifications were given to seven contractors, and five contractors� submitted bids as shown in Attachment B. One contractor, C. T. & F., Inc., was disqualified because their bid package was incomplete.
Dynalectric submitted the lowest responsible bid of $3,162,654.46, which is approximately 4.7% below the Engineer�s Estimate of $3,322,063.50. Dynalectric was found to be qualified for this project with all required licenses and experience. This contractor is currently completing the Media District ITS project in Burbank, which included the installation of similar ITS devices. All bids, excepting the disqualified bid, were within 15 percent of the lowest responsible bid.
Sufficient funding is currently available for this project in account number 127.CD33A.700002.0000.13292 (San Fernando ITS Corridor Project).
Staff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the contract documents, and awarding a construction contract to KDC, Inc., dba Dynalectric, for Bid Schedule 1155, San Fernando Corridor Intelligent Transportation Systems Project.
Attachment A � Device Plan Attachment B � Bidder Summary for Bid Schedule 1155
Attachment B
Bidder Summary
Bid Schedule 1155 � San Fernando Corridor Intelligent Transportation Systems Project
Bidder Total Bid
KDC, Inc. dba Dynalectric. $ 3,162,654.46
Manuel Brothers, Inc. $ 3,668,820.25
Comet $ 3,296,894.25
Pose & Sons Construction $ 3,430,630.23
C. T. & F., Inc.* $ 4,975,584.01
* C. T. & F., Inc. was disqualified because no Bid Deposit or Bond information was supplied with the bid.