Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, January 11, 2005Agenda Item - 6 |
This report requests City Council approval of an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Ultrasystems Environmental, Inc. to complete preparation of an environmental impact report for the Mobility Element and an update of the Land Use Element of the General Plan.
On October 17, 1995 the City approved a PSA with Ultrasystems Environmental, Inc. for $150,744 to prepare an environmental impact report (EIR) for the Transportation Element and to make minor modifications to the land Use Element to insure compatibility between the two Elements of the General Plan. The original PSA was amended the following year to increase the total contract amount by an additional $9,260, making the total contract amount $160,004. The term of the PSA was then extended eight more times without any increases in the total contract amount.
The original and current scope of work with Ultrasystems Environmental, Inc. was focused on the draft Transportation Element and only included minor changes to the Land Use Element. The proposed contract amendment will expand the scope of work to include an expansion of the original Transportation Element, now called the Mobility Element, and a complete update of the Land Use Element.
The City currently has a contract with Ultrasystems Environmental, Inc. that was executed in 1995 to prepare an EIR for the Mobility Element and address minor changes to the Land Use Element to insure compatibility. The environmental process was delayed for several years to allow the City time to consider redevelopment of the Lockheed B-1 Site and define other desired changes to the Land Use Element, and then determine how those changes would affect the assumptions in the Mobility Element. The process continued to evolve and eventually an entire update of the Land Use Element was initiated. As a result the Scope of Work for the EIR has been expanded to address a complete update of the Land Use Element in conjunction with preparation of the Mobility Element. The proposed amendment will incorporate the provisions necessary to address all of the proposed changes to both the Mobility and Land Use Elements, and insure completion and distribution of the EIR in late spring 2005 for public review.
The original contract in 1995 was for $150,744, was amended only once for a cost increase of an additional $9,260, bringing the total to $160,004. The consultant�s fee for the attached scope of work that addresses both the Mobility Element and the complete update of the Land Use Element is an additional $150,098.63, which will bring the total contract amount to $310,102.63. The Transportation Division has sufficient funds to cover their portion of the additions costs. The Planning Division has cancelled consultant contracts for reorganization of Chapter 31 and for preparation of a Wireless Master Plan because the remaining work can be completed by the Planning Division staff. The savings from the two cancelled contracts will provide sufficient funds in the Planning and Transportation Division�s accounts to cover the additional cost of the proposed amendment to the existing PSA of $150,098.63. No additional funds are requested.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the tenth amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Ultrasystems Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $150,098.63 for completion of an EIR that will address both the Mobility Element and a complete update of the Land Use Element.
Professional Services Agreement