regular meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was held in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall, 275 East Olive Avenue, on the above date. The
meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Mr. Vander Borght, Mayor.
Present- |
Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Ramos and Vander Borght. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Member Murphy. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Ms. Scott, Chief Assistant City Attorney; and,
Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.
Charter Review
Ms. Dolan, Administrative Analyst, City Manager�s Office, requested the
Council conduct interviews for the
Charter Review Committee.
She reported that on
March 22, 2005, the Council directed staff to convene a Charter Review
Committee charged with the task of working with staff and an outside
consultant to review the Charter, identify necessary changes and make
recommendations regarding those changes to the Council.
She added that the
Council also gave direction regarding the make-up of the Committee and the
process to appoint its members.
Ms. Dolan reported that the
Charter Review Committee will be made up of 11 members,
with each
Council Member selecting
one Committee member from among all qualified electors of the City of
Burbank for a total of five,
and the
remaining six members of the Committee
being selected
through a vote of the entire Council from the list of qualified
She also noted that the
Council tentatively agreed to select the chair of the Committee at the
same time it selects the members.
Ms. Dolan informed the Council that the
City Clerk�s Office received 38 applications for the Charter Review
Committee, and 30 applicants are scheduled for interviews during study
sessions preceding the Council meetings of August 16 and 23, 2005. She
explained that seven of the applicants withdrew from consideration or
moved out of the City, and staff was unable to locate one applicant.
She noted that the
Council is scheduled to make appointments to the Charter Review Committee
during its regular meeting on August 30, 2005.
Interviews were conducted for the following applicants:
Lynn Kronzek; John
Fagerholm; Celeste Francis; Michael Bergfeld; Carolyn Jackson; Dave Ahern;
Ross Necessary; Howard Barr; Kathy Cantong; Claudia Bonis; Christopher
Carson; Rick Ramirez; and, Shannon Stevenson-Landon.
6:00 P.M.
Recess |
The Council recessed at this time.
Regular Meeting
Reconvened in
Council Chambers |
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was reconvened
at 6:44 p.m. by Mr. Vander Borght, Mayor.
The invocation was given by Reverend Sally Kinarthy, Unity Church of
Burbank and North Hollywood.
Flag Salute
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Robert Lanning.
Present- |
Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Ramos and Vander Borght. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Member Murphy. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Ms. Scott, Chief Assistant City Attorney; and,
Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.
Firefighter of the
Year |
Interim Fire Chief
Pansini presented the 2005 Fire Fighter of the Year Award to Fire Engineer
Robert Lanning. Chief Pansini read a letter in recognition of the award
and Mayor Vander Borght presented Engineer Lanning the Commendation from
the Burbank Fire Department and a Certificate of Recognition from the
Every 15
Minutes Program |
Mayor Vander Borght
presented a Burbank Police Department Professional Esteem Award to Officer
Tim Dyrness; a Commendation of Service Award to Fire Captain Ron Bell;
and, a Certificate of Recognition to Helen Quayle, Assistant Principal of
Activities and Athletics/Burbank High School, in recognition of their
efforts in organizing the Every 15 Minutes Program, which is designed to
educate high school students about the danger of drinking and driving.
Women�s Right
To Vote Day |
Mayor Vander Borght
presented a proclamation in honor of Women�s Right to Vote Day in
commemoration of the 85th anniversary of the ratification of
the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution
guaranteeing women the right to vote, to Donna Anderson, President of the
Zonta Club of
Airport Authority
Meeting |
Lombardo reported on the Airport Authority meeting of August 15, 2005 and
stated that the Authority adopted
Resolution No. 406, amending the authorization of designated staff members
to execute documentation in connection with the Authority's Residential
Acoustical Treatment Program; and, approved a Passage and Execution of
Designation of Applicant's Agent Resolution with regard to application of
grant funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Office of
Emergency Services to repair damages sustained in the February 2005
storms. He also gave an update on the passenger and cargo activity for
the month of June.
7:13 P.M.
ZTA 2005-63
Fence Height
Standards |
Mayor Vander Borght stated that �this is the time and place for the
hearing on amending portions of the Zoning Code relating to development
standards for fences, walls, hedges and other yard features in residential
Given |
The City Clerk was asked if notices had been given as required by law.
She replied in the affirmative and advised that eight telephone messages
and 62 emails had been received.
Report |
Mr. Ochsenbein, Senior Planner, Community Development Department,
requested the Council consider a proposed ordinance that would modify the
City�s standards for fences, walls and hedges in residential zones. He
noted that the proposed ordinance also includes standards for a variety of
other structures that are commonly found in front and street-facing side
yards. He informed the Council that prior to 1967, the City permitted
fences, walls and hedges in front yards limited to four feet, with a
height limit of eight feet elsewhere on the property. He added that in
1967, an ordinance was adopted which reduced the height of fences located
in the front yard to three feet and required that fences located within a
street-facing side yard be a maximum of three feet within the 10-foot
setback area. He added that at the same time, corner cut-off requirements
were also established to ensure that vehicular movements were not impaired
by structures, including fences and walls. He noted that the Burbank
Municipal Code has traditionally focused on the height of fences and
walls, but has not addressed issues of design or materials, and noted the
development of a new fence ordinance has been in consideration for at
least 15 years.
Mr. Ochsenbein reported that pursuant to Council direction, a study
session was held in August 2004, detailing the history of fence standards
in Burbank and the enforcement of current standards. He noted that while
specific direction was not given on what the new standards should be, the
Council directed staff to develop new residential fence standards. He
stated that among the concerns raised by the Council were flexibility of
design, corner lot standards, materials and retaining wall standards. He
added that staff was also directed to conduct a study session with the
Planning Board addressing potential changes to the ordinance and to create
a Fence Task Force.
Mr. Ochsenbein informed the Council that the proposed ordinance is staff�s
attempt to address the variety of issues surrounding fences in the
community while providing greater flexibility to individual homeowners and
ensuring that the community at large is not negatively impacted. He noted
that fences and walls that were legally constructed under prior standards
will be grandfathered. Likewise, he stated that the ordinance will not
require property owners who do not have a fence or wall to build one or
property owners who have a three-foot fence to raise it to four feet. He
noted that the ordinance establishes maximum heights but no minimum height
Mr. Ochsenbein then discussed the proposed fence standards as follows:
increase in the permitted height from three to four feet with any portion
of the fence over three feet required to be an open design such as picket
or wrought iron, in order to minimize the impact on cars backing out;
Each individual retaining wall in a front yard be limited four feet and if
additional retention is needed, the walls would be required to be set back
an additional foot for each foot of height. Additionally, a three-foot
wall would be permitted above the retaining portion. He noted that
currently, the Burbank Municipal Code does not restrict the height of
retaining walls in front yards;
Establishment of a definition of what constitutes a hedge. He noted that
in locations where hedges function like walls, they are proposed to be
subject to the same standards but elsewhere, they will be treated as
Requiring an eight-foot spacing between trees located within 10 feet of
the public right-of-way. There will be no limitation on the height or
spread of trees anywhere on the property and any existing trees would not
be impacted;
Establishing maximum sizes for features such as arbors and pergolas, and
limiting them to one per street frontage. He noted that the City does not
currently permit such structures in the front yard which are commonly used
to better define landscape areas and demarcate paths and entrances;
Establishing standards that would allow features such as lights, statues
or more formal pilasters with caps, to exceed the maximum fence height by
up to one foot with an eight-foot separation requirement. He noted that
the current standards require that these features be below the maximum
height of the fence or wall;
Establishing standards for stand alone ornamentation features that are
commonly used in front yards, such as light poles, statues and similar
Requiring that no new fences be made of chain link, wire or similar
materials. He noted that the standard is not retroactive and as such,
those properties currently improved with fences of this type will be
permitted to retain those fences until they are taken down or destroyed;
Allowing fences and walls of up to six feet for corner lots within the
street-facing side yard, beginning at the rear of the house. He stated
that this would allow for a continuity of the streetscape at corners while
enabling full use of the majority of the back yard. He noted that this
standard would not be applied to multi-family zones, which, under the new
multi-family standards, are intended to provide entries along streets and
which generally do not utilize private yards in the same manner as
single-family zones;
Establishing height measurement standards. The proposed ordinance would
measure height from the center of a horizontal run in order to allow those
fences built as stairsteps along a slope to continue with a longer run,
thereby reducing the number of transitions. He added that in multi-family
zones, all structures are measured from average grade of the lot. However,
because some multi-family projects have large lots which can have
substantial grade difference, staff has also proposed limitations based on
abutting natural grade as well;
Establishment of corner cut-off requirements for the intersection of
driveways, streets and alleys as a result of concerns raised by the Public
Works Department and members of the community;
The Community Development Department will be taking a more proactive
approach with regard to the construction of new fences. However, he noted
that enforcement on existing fences will remain reliant on complaints;
Establishment of an enforcement provision which would require all fences
and walls that are over six feet in height to be removed within one year.
He added that fences and walls between four and six feet in height must
be brought into conformance within three years.
Mr. Ochsenbein informed the Council that on June 13, 2005, the proposed
ordinance was presented to the Planning Board which recommended its
approval with one additional requirement that fence enforcement provisions
be included in the required real estate disclosures so that future buyers
would be aware of the standards. He noted that this requirement has been
included in the proposed ordinance. He then discussed the public
notification and outreach efforts which included a notice mailed to all
residential property owners, publishing and press release notices,
establishment of a specific e-mail and phone number for fence issues,
notification to the Board of Realtors and a letter sent to all real estate
brokers licensed in Burbank. He then elaborated on the nature of concerns
raised. He also commended members of the Fence Task Force and requested
that the Council approve the proposed standards.
Comment |
Appearing to comment in opposition to the ordinance were:
Michael Scandiffio;
Kate Scandiffio; Carolyn Berlin; Philip Berlin; Ron Vanderford; David
Blumberg; Donna Stebbeds; Mark Stebbeds; Laurie Miller; Cameron Wardlaw;
Don Elsmore; Irma Loose; Eden Rosen; Molly Blumberg; Linda Crane; Jerry
Day; Michael Houston; Anja B. Rohlmann; Milburn Robinson; Lisa Twede; Stan
Smith; Britta Hamrick; Nicholas DeWolff; Rance Howard; Darin Chase; Tru
Giannelli; Esther Espinoza; Frank Zugelter; David Gordon; David Piroli;
Howard Rothenbach; Zorica Tanaskovic; Mike Nolan; Ross Gunnell; and, Mike
Also appearing to
comment were: Kisa Kirkpatrick, in support of the corner lot provisions
of the proposed ordinance; Bob Kurasz, in support of the ordinance; and,
Mark Barton, on fence designs.
Rebuttal |
Mr. Ochsenbein made rebuttal comments with regard to the application of
the proposed ordinance to walls or fences along alleys; permit
requirements; the grandfathering process; and, application of the proposed
ordinance to existing trees.
Mrs. Ramos requested
clarification with regard to non-conforming walls and hillside exemptions;
the number of complaints received with regard to heights and hedges; the
City�s enforcement procedure; stand alone ornamentation standards; public
easement setback for the planting of trees; and, feasibility of property
transfer disclosure requirements.
Mr. Campbell
requested clarification with regard to violation patterns and the
ordinance�s application to older fences and gates, existing trees,
up-zoned properties and retaining walls.
Closed |
There being no further response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral
comment, the hearing was declared closed.
Deliberations |
Mr. Golonski commented on the current and proposed standards and
enforcement challenges, and suggested that more input be received from the
community prior to taking action on the matter.
Mrs. Ramos commented on the public input received on the matter, and
expressed support for receiving additional public input, allowing chain
link fences and arbors, and increasing the corner lot wall height limit.
Mr. Campbell requested exemptions for front yards on heavily-traveled
thoroughfares and lots adjacent to industrial uses, supported corner lot
properties being allowed to have higher walls, and expressed opposition to
regulating trees and shrubs. He also emphasized the need to: protect
retaining walls; preserve historic walls; ensure that up-zoned properties
do not lose their property rights; and, allow for minor variances.
Mr. Vander Borght commented on the current ordinance, public comment and
written correspondence received on the matter and suggested that all
existing fences, wall and shrubs be registered to become legal and then
new standards be established. He also suggested that the new standards
prohibit chain link fencing material in single- family residential area.
He suggested allowing fences up to six feet in height provided there is an
adequate landscape buffer, while providing for corner cut-offs at
driveways for visibility. He was supportive of the retaining walls
provisions and stated that hedges also be regulated.
Following further Council deliberation, the Council expressed a desire to
legalize all existing fences, walls and hedges and directed staff to
establish an amnesty program. Staff was requested to return with several
options for the amnesty program, and for new standards for fences, walls
and hedges in the front and street-facing side yards.
Initial Open
Public Comment
Period of Oral
Communications |
Mr. Vander Borght called for speakers for the initial open public comment
period of oral communications at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were:
Irma Loose, on the
Airport Authority report; Philip Berlin, Caroline Berlin, Britta Hamrick,
Mark Stebbeds, David Piroli, Mike Maroney, Mike Scandiffio, Dr. David
Gordon and Mark Barton, on the proposed fence ordinance; and, Ross Gunnell,
on traffic on Sunset Canyon;
Response |
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Agenda Item
Oral Communications |
Mr. Vander Borght called for speakers for the agenda item oral
communications at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were:
Don Elsmore, on the
voluntary curfew at Bob Hope Airport; Philip Berlin, Carolyn Berlin,
Britta Hamrick and Mark Stebbeds, on the proposed fence ordinance; Mark
Barton, on events which transpired at the Airport Authority meeting; David
Piroli, on the power outage which occurred at Bob Hope Airport and on the
proposed fence ordinance; and, Mike Nolan, on the electrical outage at Bob
Hope Airport.
Response |
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Motion |
It was moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr. Golonski that "the
following items on the consent calendar be approved as recommended.�
Approved |
The minutes for the regular meetings of March 1, March 8, March 15, March
22 and March 29, 2005 were approved as submitted.
PSA with
Alliance Resource
Consulting |
Adopted |
The consent calendar was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members
Campbell, Golonski, Ramos and
Vander Borght.
Noes: Council Members None.
Absent: Council Member Murphy.
FY 2005-06
Work Program
(Finance and
Public Works) |
Mr. Elliot, Interim Financial Services Director, presented the Work
Program Highlights and Performance Indicators for the Financial Services
Ms. Teaford, Interim Public Works Director, presented the Work Program
Highlights and Performance Indicators for the Public Works Department.
Final Open
Public Comment
Period of Oral
Communications |
There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for speakers for the final
open public comment period of oral communications at this time.
Adjournment |
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting
was adjourned at 1:10 a.m. to Tuesday, August 23, 2005 at 5:00 p.m. for
Charter Review Committee interviews.
Margarita Campos,
Mayor of the
of the City of