City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Monday, June 20, 2005

An adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was called to order this date as a joint meeting with the Board of Education, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 275 East Olive Avenue, at 6:11 p.m. by Mr. Vander Borght, Mayor.


Flag Salute




The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mayor Vander Borght.








Mayor Vander Borght called for a moment of silence in memory of Derek Hanway, Financial Services Director.



Council Members Golonski, Murphy (arrived at 6:26 p.m.) Ramos and Vander Borght.

Board Members Applebaum, Bunch, Kemp, Krekorian and Kutka.

Absent - - - -

Council Member Campbell.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; Mr. Flad, Assistant City Manager; Dr. Bowman, Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) Superintendent; Mr. Bradley, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services, BUSD; and, Mrs. Wilson, Deputy City Clerk.





Appearing to comment were:  Michael Hastings, giving an update on the Burbank Priority in Education fundraising efforts; and, Louie Binda and John Roussel, on the John Burroughs High School ball field renovation.





Members of the Council, Board of Education and staff responded to questions raised.



6:26 P.M.



Ms. Murphy entered the Council Chamber at this time.


Ventures Matrix

Mr. Flad, Assistant City Manager, gave an overview of the Joint Ventures Matrix and stated that a few items with significant changes or of interest to the Council and Board of Education will be discussed, but staff was available to respond to any item on the matrix.


Steve Bradley, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services, reported that installation of the solar heating systems for the Burbank and John Burroughs High School pools has been completed.


Mr. Hampel, Recycling Coordinator, Public Works Department, reported on several recycling programs conducted with the schools and noted that the programs have been very successful.  He also gave an update on the efforts being undertaken to increase recycling awareness in the schools.


Mrs. Sarquiz, Management Services Director, reported on the status of the City providing copying services to the BUSD, noting that the City has currently submitted a bid to print the Burbank Teachers Association contract.  She also reported on the progress of the Printing Regional Occupational Program,  and stated that staff anticipated having a curriculum established by January 2007 for approximately six to eight students.


Mr. Herman, Purchasing Manager, Financial Services Department, reported on the progress of the efforts to establish an E-Waste contract and on the joint purchase of recycled paper and toner cartridges.  He also reported that the elevator repair contract with the cities and schools of Glendale and Pasadena, although delayed, was still in progress and that the joint bid for janitorial supplies would be out in a month�s time.


Mr. Golonski requested an update on co-locating warehousing operations and on the BUSD telephone contract.  Mr. Herman responded that the warehouse matter was on hold pending union considerations with the BUSD.  Dr. Bowman also responded that information would be provided with regard to the potential savings from the BUSD telephone contract.


Mrs. Ramos inquired as to when the middle school and high school counseling program recommendations would be presented for Council consideration.






Mr. Bradley, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services, reported that the BUSD has hired a Resource Conservation Manager and stated that a baseline for electricity, gas and water will be established by September 30, 2005.



Burbank and

Burroughs High

Stadium and

Field Renovations

Ms. Alvord, City Manager, gave an update on the Burbank and John Burroughs High School stadium and field renovation projects.  She reported that the services of an architect were necessary to:  interview the high school coaches; develop a needs and program assessment; develop an Americans with Disabilities Act analysis of existing facilities; complete the structural analysis of the bleachers; and, develop schematic designs and cost estimates in addition to other options as necessary, including storage facilities and needs for booster clubs.  She requested that an oversight committee consisting of two Council Members, two Board of Education Members, Dr. Bowman, herself and the principals of both schools and staff be established to consider joint uses, maintenance issues and fundraising efforts.  She reported that the Council has allocated $35,000 to undertake a new analysis of the project and to provide several options.


The Council and Board of Education expressed their desire to renovate the facilities and there was consensus that an oversight committee be established to continue the efforts.



Ovrom Park and

Community School



Mr. Clifford, Capital Projects Manager, Public Works Department, gave an update on the Ovrom Park and Community School project.  He reported that the 1.42 acre-site will have a three-story facility with over 31,700 square feet (sf), a 15,000 sf garage for 40 parking spaces; neighborhood recreation center; a community day school; and, an elevated terrace area.  He noted that the building will meet the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards and will seek to attain a silver rating.  He elaborated on the park elements which include: a children�s play area; tot lot; full size basketball court; picnic area; passive and open play area; bicycle parking benches; drinking fountains; restrooms; emergency storage area for the BUSD; and, noted that the large main entrance will become an Art in Public Places component.  He gave an update on the current environmental approvals, the Art in Public Places proposal and the project construction schedule.  He also discussed several funding sources including: the California Clean Water Clean Air Safe Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2002; E-RATE Program; and, Proposition 47 funds.


Mr. Golonski requested Mr. Clifford give an overview on the total project cost and the City and BUSD contributions.  Mr. Clifford responded that the total project cost is $9.2 million with an anticipated 10 percent increase in construction costs, and that the BUSD�s contribution was $1.5 million.  



Every 15

Minutes Program












Dr. Bowman, BUSD Superintendent, commented on the joint efforts between the City and the BUSD to bring the Every 15 Minutes Program to Burbank High School.  He explained that the program�s title was derived from the fact that every 15 minutes someone died in an automobile accident related to alcohol.  He noted that the program provides a very dramatic presentation and awareness for students.  He thanked the major sponsors for the program including Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center and Warner Bros., and noted that the program will be held at John Burroughs High School next year.


Mr. Golonski requested that the Board of Education reconsider school grade transitions, providing healthier food in the schools and providing instrumental music in elementary schools.  Mr. Bunch responded that a committee has been formed on healthier food. Mr. Krekorian also responded that an arts committee has been formed and will be presenting its preliminary report to the Board of Education.








Appearing to comment was Glenn Cooper, in support of the stadium renovations.


Mr. Applebaum announced that the BUSD will be unveiling a set of strategic goals and priorities at their next meeting which will address healthy food, community access, participation and education.  He encouraged the community to provide input on the goals and to assist in creating methodologies and ideas to accomplish the goals.




There being no further business to come before the Council and Board of Education, the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m.



                                   Josephine Wilson, Deputy City Clerk   






        Mayor of the Council

       of the City of Burbank


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