An adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was called to order
this date at the Buena Vista Library, Community Room, 300 North Buena Vista
Street, at 9:04 a.m., by Mr. Vander Borght, Mayor.
Present- |
Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Murphy, Ramos and Vander Borght. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Members None. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos,
City Clerk.
Communications |
Appearing to comment were:
Don Elsmore, on the
Pinnacle Project, funds collected to resurface Buena Vista Street,
requesting a traffic signal be installed at Verdugo Avenue and Clybourn
Avenue, and that changes be made to the oral communications criteria and
agenda format; Mike Nolan, on the Council�s direction to add the word
�action� to the Agenda Items Oral Communications criteria; Phil Berlin,
encouraging the Council to discuss the constituents� expectations of the
Council, commenting on oral communications criteria and agenda item
coordination; and, Mark Stebbeds, on the oral communications criteria and
suggesting that ceremonial items be conducted at a special meeting where a
quorum is not required.
Review of
Agenda |
Ms. Alvord briefly
reviewed the agenda for the Annual Goal Setting Workshop, noting that the
Planning Board would join the Council at approximately
11:00 a.m. for a
study session on housing issues.
Expectations of
Ms. Alvord presented
the handout entitled, �Our Expectations of Staff.� She outlined the
expectations of staff as follows: 1) reports and presentations shall be
made in an understandable and non-bureaucratic manner so as to encourage
open discussion and exchange of ideas, and to help the Council make
informed decisions. Mayor Vander Borght requested that staff give
summarized rather than verbatim reports since the Council has already read
the material, and that PowerPoint presentations be brief; 2) reports and
presentations shall provide an objective analysis of the issues and not be
oriented to the advantage of a particular point of view; 3) there shall be
a staff recommendation on each major issue and the basis for the staff
recommendation shall be articulated; 4) staff shall enthusiastically and
faithfully represent, defend and implement Council direction, even when
the final direction is contrary to the staff recommendation; 5) the
Council shall be kept abreast of current issues and forewarned as to what
potential problems or issues might arise in the immediate future; 6) staff
shall maintain open, cooperative, impartial and supportive relationships
with all Council Members, regardless of any differences of opinion which
might exist amongst the Council Members; 7) the City Manager, City
Attorney and Executive Staff shall be readily available and responsive to
all Council Members, who shall conduct their dealings with staff through
the Executive Staff and other key management staff and not directly with
the rank-and-file employees; 8) staff shall take direction from the
Council, as a body, and not from individual Council Members. Input from
individual Council Members is appropriate, encouraged and appreciated;
however, staff should not interpret input or questions from Council
Members as �direction� but pursue appropriate follow-up through normal
procedures and practices; 9) if differences or discord between the Council
and the City Manager, City Attorney or Executive Staff arise, the Council
and staff agree to raise the discord with the entire Council to address
the matter; and, 10) it is the duty of the City Manager and key management
staff to see that these values are faithfully implemented at all levels of
the organization.
How We Work
Together |
Mayor Vander Borght
outlined the basic principles of a document entitled, �How We Work
Together,� enumerating the following points: moving forward once votes are
taken; keeping focused on issues; demonstrating respect for each other;
guarding against unnecessary disruptive comments; working to elevate
issues above the personal level; cautioning against seriatim
deliberations; respecting each others� differences; accepting that doing
things differently is not an indictment of the past; always moving toward
positive interactions with each other; remaining united as a body;
refraining from making comments which could be interpreted as using the
press against each other; disciplining themselves to comment during the
discussion period before the vote is taken; being hard on the issue, easy
on the person; always disagreeing respectfully without demeaning another
person; recognizing the Council is a team of individuals working toward a
common goal; not being afraid to fail, promoting an environment where
Council Members and staff can share ideas without fear of ridicule or
criticism; and, reporting any Council subcommittee status to the entire
Council regularly.
Mayor Vander Borght
suggested the Council obtain a facilitator to assist in improving their
synergism and ability to work together. He noted that Ms. Murphy had
brought up this request in the past, but was not successful in getting
support to implement it. Ms. Murphy stated she would be supportive of a
team building effort to refresh their skills to work together. Mayor
Vander Borght reiterated his support to participate in such an exercise.
Mr. Golonski shared his past experience with such an endeavor, noting some
were productive, particularly where there was much dissention among the
Council, and requesting that the exercise be done in the context of
consolidating the Council�s goals and to assist the Council with future
evaluations of the City Manager and City Attorney. Mrs. Ramos and Mr.
Campbell concurred with Mr. Golonski. Mayor Vander Borght then requested
the issue be placed on a future agenda. Ms. Alvord stated this session
would necessitate a Saturday commitment, preceded with interviews. Mr.
Golonski inquired as to how this can be achieved without violating the
Brown Act, and Mr. Barlow stated his office would research the matter and
advise the Council accordingly.
Liaisons to
Task Forces/
Boards |
Ms. Murphy
recommended reviewing the necessity of each committee assignment as some
of them may have become obsolete. As a result, the following assignments
were made: Airport Subcommittee, Ms. Murphy and Mr. Campbell; Arroyo
Verdugo Subregion of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
Policy Committee: Mr. Campbell; Arroyo Verdugo Subregion of SCAG
Subcommittee on Community, Economic and Housing Development: Mr. Campbell;
Arroyo Verdugo Transit Corridor Committee: Mr. Vander Borght and Mr.
Campbell; Audit Committee: Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Vander Borght; Burbank
Association of Realtors Liaison: Mr. Campbell; Burbank Boulevard Merchants
Association Liaison: Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell;
Burbank Priority in
Education Liaison: Mr. Golonski; Chamber of Commerce Liaison: Mr. Vander
Borght (Mayor); Childcare Subcommittee: Mr. Golonski and Mr. Campbell;
Community Services Building Advisory Committee: Mr. Vander Borght and Mr.
Campbell; DeBell Clubhouse Renovation Committee: Mr. Vander Borght and
Mrs. Ramos; Domestic Violence Task Force: Mrs. Ramos and Ms. Murphy;
Economic Alliance: Ms. Murphy and Mr. Vander Borght; Environmental
Oversight Committee: Mr. Campbell and Ms. Murphy; League of California
Cities (Los Angeles Division) Annual Statewide Voting Delegate: Mr. Vander
Borght and Mr. Campbell (alternate); Maglev Corridor Subcommittee: Ms.
Murphy and Mr. Campbell; Magnolia Park Citizens Advisory Committee
Liaisons: Ms. Murphy and Mr. Vander Borght; Media Relations Committee
(Runaway Production): Mr. Campbell; Old Buena Vista Library Site: Mr.
Golonski and Mrs. Ramos; Opportunity Site 6B Committee: Mr. Campbell and
Ms. Murphy; Peyton-Grismer Neighborhood Revitalization: Mr. Golonski and
Mr. Vander Borght; Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Liaison: Mr.
Vander Borght; Public Information Office Advisory Committee (Ad Hoc): Mr.
Golonski and Mr. Vander Borght; Auto Dealers/Zero Site: Mr. Golonski and
Ms. Murphy; South San Fernando/Robert R. Ovrom Park: Mrs. Ramos and Ms.
Murphy; Center Trust/Downtown Revitalization Task Force: Mr. Golonski and
Mr. Campbell; San Fernando Valley Transit Zone Government Policy
Committee: Ms. Murphy; Sister City Committee: Mrs. Ramos; Site Specific
Selection Committee for Art Projects at Burbank Water and Power and
Chandler Boulevard Bikeway: Mr. Vander Borght and Ms. Murphy; SCAG
Regional Council: Bob Yousefian (City of Glendale); Treasurer�s Office
Liaisons: Ms. Murphy and Mrs. Ramos; Workers Compensation Subcommittee:
Mr. Vander Borght and Ms. Murphy; and, Mayor�s Youth Task Force: Mr.
Golonski and Mr. Vander Borght.
Goals and
Priorities of
Individual Council
Mayor Vander Borght
requested that each Council Member state their individual three top goals
and priorities for the upcoming fiscal year.
Mr. Golonski listed
the following items:
Infrastructure, including sidewalks, streets, alleys, sewers, etc.
Council decorum
Mr. Campbell listed
the following items:
Traffic congestion
route transit
Use Element
Traffic light synchronization
Neighborhood protection and boulevard beautification
and multi-family development standards
Airport mitigation
Residentially-Adjacent Commercial Industrial Ordinance
Burbank and Magnolia Boulevard beautification
Renewable portfolio and reclaimed water system expansion
Mrs. Ramos listed
the following items:
Advance traffic and transportation improvements
Evaluate assumptions in traffic model
transport services for effective and efficient use � educational component
Neighborhood protection plans
Protect and preserve neighborhoods
the process of developing a focus neighborhood �
Spazier Street and
Lake Street
Complete update of General Plan, Land Use and Mobility Elements,
development standards
2. Public safety
a. Recruitment and
retention in the Police Department
b. Maintain safety
in the Downtown, commercial corridors and neighborhoods
3. Economic
a. Continuous
budget planning
b. Balanced
development in Downtown and commercial corridors
c. Adequate funding
for transportation and public safety
d. Business
i. Fiber Optic
ii. Preference for
Burbank businesses in purchasing practices
Ms. Murphy listed
the following items:
1. Infrastructure
a. Day-to-day
maintenance of service levels/recommitment to infrastructure maintenance
2. Budget
a. Lobby Sacramento
using resources such as League of California Cities and David Jones and
3. Council
Mr. Vander Borght
listed the following items:
traffic congestion
Burbank bus
Burbank Boulevard
Pedestrian friendly environments
Art in
Public Places
General Plan Update
future density capability
Mayor Vander Borght
thanked the Executive Team for submitting their individual lists of goals
and priorities.
11:00 A.M.
Recess |
The Council recessed at
this time. The meeting reconvened at 11:20 a.m.
Housing Study
Session with the
Planning Board |
Council Members Present -
Campbell, Murphy, Ramos and Vander Borght.
Council Members Absent �
Planning Board Members
Present - Gabel-Luddy, Humfreville, Jackson and Thompson.
Planning Board Members
Absent � Taylor.
Communications |
There was no response to
the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications at this time.
Mrs. Georgino,
Community Development Director, stated the purpose of the study session
was to review the City�s affordable housing goals and objectives, present
the progress in achieving those goals and introduce potential future
activities and programs. She discussed the City�s framework for
affordable housing objectives, plans and activities, including: the
formation of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Affordable Housing and its
stated objectives; the Focus Neighborhoods and successful revitalization
efforts in partnership with the Burbank Housing Corporation; and, the
legally-mandated planning documents and reports which are continuously
updated to meet the goals and objectives of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on
Affordable Housing.
Mrs. Georgino noted
the progress made through implementation of existing programs and projects
to achieve affordable housing goals, including:
acquisition/rehabilitation projects and development of Activity Centers in
Focus Neighborhoods; the efforts of the Community Outreach Coordinator;
new housing development projects; Federally-funded programs; and,
residential rehabilitation programs. She also discussed other
partnerships that assist low- and moderate-income households.
With regard to
continuing and new activities, Mrs. Georgino outlined the current
provisions of Senate Bill (SB) 1818, the State Density Bonus Law, and how
its provisions for mandatory concessions will impact the City. She
outlined the parameters of the draft Inclusionary Housing Ordinance which
has been presented to the Planning Board, and noted amendments to be made
to the proposed Ordinance in response to SB 1818. She concluded with a
review of new and potential projects, including: home ownership
development in Focus Neighborhoods; Mortgage Assistance Program for
Service Professionals/Workforce Housing; demonstration Rental Assistance
Program; and, a new proposed Focus Neighborhood: Lake-Alameda.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting
was adjourned at 12:57 p.m.
Margarita Campos,
Mayor of the
of the City of