City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Monday, May 2, 2005

In accordance with Section 6 of the Charter of the City of Burbank, a meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 275 East Olive Avenue, on the above date for the purpose of selecting a new Mayor, Vice Mayor, and to make appointments to the League of California Cities.  The meeting was called to order at 10:17 a.m. by Mrs. Ramos, Mayor.


The invocation was given by Mr. Kramer, Community Assistance Coordinator.


The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Ms. Anderson, City Treasurer.




Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Murphy, Ramos, and Vander Borght.

Absent - - - -

Council Members None.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.



Introduction of


Mayor Ramos made welcoming remarks and introduced her family and friends. She commented on her mayoral year and the achievements of the entire Council, and thanked the community for their support.



Gifts to


Mayor Ramos presented gifts to members of the Executive Team, as follows: Margarita Campos, City Clerk; Donna Anderson, City Treasurer; Sharon Cohen, Library Services Director; Ron Davis, Burbank Water and Power General Manager; Bruce Feng, Deputy City Manager/Public Works and Capital Projects; Sue Georgino, Community Development Director; Eric Hansen, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director; Derek Hanway, Financial Services Director; Tom Hoefel, Police Chief; Rick Mehling, Interim Fire Chief; Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director; Jennifer Wyatt, Information Technology Director; Mike Flad, Assistant City Manager; Dennis Barlow, City Attorney; and,  Mary Alvord, City Manager.


Mayor Ramos also presented gifts to the following staff: Nonna von Sonn, Management Secretary; Karen Turner, Executive Assistant; Tina Gunn, Executive Assistant; Kathy Barcus, Secretary to the City Manager; Bob Kramer, Community Assistance Coordinator; and, Betsy Dolan, Administrative Analyst.



Vice Mayor

Vander Borght

Vice Mayor Vander Borght commended Mayor Ramos� accomplishments during the past year, and presented Mayor Ramos with parting gifts, a Mayor�s badge plaque, a gavel plaque and a street sign bearing her name.



City Manager

Ms. Alvord presented the traditional scrapbook to Mayor Ramos commemorating the Mayor�s term, and expressed her appreciation for Mayor Ramos� leadership.



Mayor Ramos

Mayor Ramos expressed appreciation to her colleagues on the City Council, and presented them with gifts.





Vice Mayor Vander Borght stated that �this is the time prescribed by the City Charter for the induction of newly- elected City Officials.�



Oath of Office

To Elected Officials

Mrs. Wilson, Deputy City Clerk, administered the Oath of Office to the newly-elected City Clerk, Margarita Campos. 




Presentations to Mayor Ramos

Presentations were received from the following Federal, State and County representatives in recognition of Mayor Ramos� outstanding service to the community: Gaby Flores, representing Congressman Adam Schiff; Larry Horner, representing Congressman Brad Sherman; Suzy Jacobs, representing State Senator Jack Scott; Narine Zardarian, representing Assembly Member Dario Frommer; and, Rita Hadjimanoukian, representing County Supervisor Mike Antonovich.



Oath of Office

To Elected Officials

Mrs. Campos administered the Oath of Office to the newly-elected City Treasurer, Donna Anderson, and the newly-elected Council Members Golonski, Murphy and Ramos.  She then presented them with Certificates of Election to Office. 


Mrs. Campos, City Clerk, introduced her family and staff.


Ms. Anderson, City Treasurer, introduced her family and friends.



Mr. Kemp

Mr. Kemp, Board of Education President, congratulated the re-elected Council members and introduced Board of Education Members, Paul Krekorian and Ted Bunch; Dr. Greg Bowman, Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) Superintendent; Dr. Alexis Sheehy, Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services; Steve Bradley, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services; and, BUSD staff in attendance.


Mr. Kemp then introduced the newly-elected Board of Education Members, Debbie Kukta and Larry Applebaum.



Oath of Office

To Elected Officials


Mrs. Campos administered the Oath of Office and presented Certificates of Election to Office to the newly-elected Board of Education Members, Ms. Kukta and Mr. Applebaum, who then introduced their families and friends.





There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications.





Vice Mayor Vander Borght stated that �now is the time prescribed by the City Charter for the reorganization of the City Council.  Motions for the selection of Mayor and Vice Mayor are needed.�




Mr. Vander

Borght Mayor

It was moved by Ms. Murphy, seconded by Mr. Campbell and carried that "Vice Mayor Vander Borght be appointed to succeed Mayor Ramos as Mayor of the City of Burbank.�



Mayor Vander


Mayor Vander Borght thanked the Council for appointing him Mayor and gave brief remarks on his upcoming mayoral term.  He commented on several issues to be addressed, including traffic and public transit.  He then introduced his family and friends.




Mr. Campbell

Vice Mayor

It was moved by Mrs. Ramos, seconded by Mr. Golonski and carried that "Mr. Campbell be selected as Vice Mayor of the City of Burbank.�



Vice Mayor Campbell

Vice Mayor Campbell thanked his colleagues, staff and the community, and introduced his family and friends.



Ms. Murphy

Ms. Murphy introduced her family and friends.



Mr. Golonski

Mr. Golonski introduced his family and friends.







It was moved by Ms. Murphy, seconded by Mr. Golonski and carried that "Mr. Vander Borght be appointed to serve as the City�s representative to the Los Angeles Division of the League of California Cities and that Mr. Campbell serve as the alternate.�



Council Comments

Mr. Golonski and Mr. Campbell expressed appreciation to Mrs. Ramos for her leadership over the past year.




There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:54 p.m.



              Margarita Campos, CMC

                                                                    City Clerk









       Mayor of the Council

      of the City of Burbank


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