Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, December 7, 2004Agenda Item - 6 |
The purpose of this report is to request that City Council appropriate Starlight Bowl Sponsorship funds to the Starlight Bowl Cost Center for expenditures associated with entertainment, marketing, and operating materials and supplies.
The Starlight Bowl Corporate Sponsorship Program presents local businesses with the opportunity to provide financial support for the Starlight Bowl Summer Concert Season. Funds from this program give the City of Burbank an additional funding mechanism for expenditures associated with Starlight Bowl entertainment, as well as purchase of marketing materials, operating materials and supplies. This year the Starlight Bowl Sponsorship program generated $25,500 for the 2004 summer concert season. A sample of the Corporate Sponsorship Program is provided (Attachment A).
In Fiscal Year 03/04, $25,500 was received in sponsorship revenue. It is requested that this amount be allocated to cover future operating expenses associated with the 2005 summer concert season.
The current amount received in the Starlight Bowl Sponsorship revenue account: 001.PR000.45000.1017 is, $25,500. Staff is requesting that this amount ($25,500), be appropriated into the Starlight Bowl Cost Center, Miscellaneous Account: 001.PR31D.62895.
It is therefore, staff�s recommendation that City Council approve appropriation of $25,500 of Starlight Bowl Sponsorship funds to the Starlight Bowl Cost Center.