Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Agenda Item - 10




DATE: November 2, 2004
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

By Greg Herrmann, Assistant Community Development Director-Transportation





Council Member Campbell asked to have this item agendized for Council discussion.  This report provides preliminary information on the City of Glendale�s proposed feasibility study of a rail trolley system, and requests Council direction on whether to discuss with Glendale staff the potential for expanding the study to include Burbank.        




Last month, the Glendale City Council appropriated $100,000 to study the feasibility of constructing and operating a �trolley� system in their downtown area.  The study is envisioned to analyze alternative trolley technologies, possible routes, potential funding opportunities, projected ridership, and potential effects on vehicular traffic and street design.    


Glendale staff is currently attempting to refine the scope of the study.  While the initial concept was to study a circular route in the downtown area, generally on Brand Blvd. and Central Ave., there is also some interest in developing a system that provides regional linkages to employment centers and transportation nodes.       




Initial discussions with Glendale staff suggest that there may be an opportunity to work jointly on a regional �trolley� system.  While Glendale continues to be interested in serving the downtown area, there is also a recognition that a fixed rail line that closes existing gaps in the regional transit system would significantly benefit area mobility. 


The Transit Services Task Force considered the possibility of joining with Glendale to study the feasibility of developing a trolley line that would operate between, and within, the two downtown areas.  The consensus was to support a joint study, and interest in the possibility of developing a fixed rail trolley.  At the same time, the Task Force did not want the study to jeopardize the transit service expansions that the group is currently considering.            




Staff requests direction on whether to discuss with Glendale the potential for jointly studying the feasibility of a trolley system.   




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