Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, October 26, 2004Agenda Item - 6 |
The purpose of this report is to request Council authorization for the Community Development Director to enter into a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with EIP Associates to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a proposed residential project.
On April 20, 2004, Fairfield Residential submitted an application for a Planned Development to construct 300 residential units (256 for rent, 44 for sale) in an M-2 zoned property at the southwest corner of Buena Vista Street and Empire Avenue. The project also includes approximately 1,500 square feet of live/work office space and retail space. On September 13, 2004, the applicant made minor modifications to their proposal.
After an initial review of the project, staff has determined that an EIR will likely be the environmental document that will be required to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Additionally, consultants will be necessary to perform analysis and prepare the document. A Request for Proposals to prepare the EIR was sent to seven qualified consulting firms; four of the firms responded to the request. Staff reviewed and analyzed the proposals submitted and determined that EIP Associates was the best candidate based upon the quality, cost, and work schedule anticipated in their proposal.
The report will be prepared in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines and accepted practices of the City of Burbank with regard to obtaining public input on the project and responding to comments. Specifically, a public comment meeting before the Planning Board and two public hearings are planned for the project.
No costs will be incurred by the City by entering into a PSA with EIP Associates. The applicant will be required to deposit $97,267.50 to the City before the PSA is signed by the Community Development Director. The City of Burbank�s fee resolution requires that applicants pay the estimated cost of the EIR plus 10% (PSA amount of $88,425 plus 10% is $97,267.50). If costs are at any time to exceed these amounts, the applicant will again be required to pay the full amount to the City (plus 10%) before work will continue on the environmental analysis.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the Community Development Director to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with EIP Associates to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Project No. 2004-64, Planned Development.