Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, October 26, 2004Agenda Item - 3 |
The purpose of this report is to make recommendations to the City Council for the approval and appointment of this year�s Child Care Committee members.
The City Council appointed citizens to the Child Care Committee when it was formed in 1988. Upon adoption of the Child Care Master Plan in 1991, the Committee became a regular Council appointed committee. Pursuant to the by-laws of the Burbank Child Care Committee, appointments to the Committee are recommended by Committee members and forwarded to Council for approval. Appointments are for a one-year term and include representation of those in the City whose cooperation in the child care effort is needed, including the school district, private business employers, child care providers, and parent users of child care service. An announcement requesting interested individuals to make application for consideration for appointments to the Burbank Child Care Committee was published in the Burbank Leader. While the by-laws do not limit the number of individuals who may serve, fifteen (15) names were recently recommended by the Child Care Committee for membership.
At the October 12, 2004 Child Care Committee meeting, the current members met and discussed the submitted applications. The Committee agreed that they represented a solid cross section of the community with a demonstrated interest in child care issues.
In addition to responding to individual child care concerns and issues, the Committee participates in Red Ribbon Day, annually publishes a Burbank Child Care Directory, has published the Child Care Facility Planning Guide and an activity guide entitled �Burbank and Beyond.� The Committee is also represented on the Child Care Demonstration Project Committee and has been instrumental in providing direction for the development of the center and the selection of the recommended operator.
Also, the Child Care Committee appoints its own advisory members to broaden the Committee�s representation. The current list includes the following individuals:
Gail Dover Child Care Professional Carol Davis-Perkins The Walt Disney Company Sharon Feldman Warner Bros. Gail Reisman Attorney/Parent Jose Delgado Regional Child Care Advocate
Council action is not needed relative to these advisory members.
There is no fiscal impact.
Staff recommends that the City Council appoint the recommended candidates to the Child Care Committee as follows:
Goldie Bemel B.U.S.D. Jodi Bodwell Burbank Child Care Center Yvette Coontz St. Anne�s Maternity Home C.F.O Mildred Engel Retired Educator Annabelle Godwin Retired Provider, College Instructor Barbara Gunderson The Walt Disney Company, Work & Family Specialist Tracy Lynch Mother/Business Owner Kelly McGowan Stony Apparel Carol Miller Pre-school Director Deane Phinney Retired Provider/Administrator Nancee Rodriquez Child Care Center Director Karel Roland Armstorff Parent and Previous Horace Mann Children�s Center Parent Representative Shanna Vaughan Boys and Girls Club Helen von Seggern Retired Educator Robin Wright Child Care Instructor
EH:cm cc: Child Care Committee